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SPF- Marlin Cowboy 45 LC for a 73 in 357 or cash

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SOLD pending funds to Johny two Horses>>>>>>>>>>>>>


This Marlin is JM stamped with good bore, an action job, 24 inch barrel, and Marbles rear tang sight. I bought it from a shooter that needed money, with the intention of shooting WB 3 years ago, but never did. It's been in my safe for years. Normal wear and tear from a gun cart and safe. Sell price $800 includes shipping to your FFL


Pics available but haven't figured out how to post here. pm me and I'll send pics via email


Thanks ..........Rootin Tootin 21707


H M Murdock, Johny 2 Horse has first dibs from yesterday when we tried to make a trade from his post 38's for 45. If nothing happens by Thursday you are next in line. Pics sent also. one more behind you.




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