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Pietta 1858 Remington Shoulder stock & Dixie Gun Works

Come On Christmas

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Someone Wake up Wolfgang! Need SCORRS help! He is a member in good standing.


I bought a shoulder stock for an 1858 Remington from Dixie Gun Works. I bought a used one off Gunbroker. The used shoulder stock did not have the screw that replaces the trigger screw and has bearings on either side to ride in a channel on the shoulder stock. I lost the screw to my new one. I called Dixie Gun Works to buy the part. The lady on the phone sez they are only available when you purchase the shoulder stock. I sez can I talk to your gunsmith, she sez yes, but call on a different line. I complied. The gunsmith tells me the same thing and sez they are not available unless you purchase the shoulder stock. I was polite, but sez, "You mean I am just whistling Dixie and your not even gonna give me a tree to bark up."


I had previously called VTI, because I usually do for a black powder pistol and need parts. Originally they told me they did not stock it call Dixie where you bought it. I called back VTI and explained my plight. They are back ordering the part from Pietta and call them back in a month. I said thanks you have at least given me hope.


My next step is to write to SCORRS . . .


Does anybody here know where to run down this part?






Taylors has them! Ordered them today.


If you get stuck on a Remington Part go to Cascity and ask on the Remington special interest site - SCORRS. That is where I found the answer.



  • 1 year later...

Didn't know this information (have ss Pietta 1858 Buff w/ shoulder stock)! Guess maybe I should give Taylor's a call as well (better to have and not need, you know)!!


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