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Primer Shelf Life - Rumor Control


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Had an "interesting" experience yesterday. Ran into a guy at the range who was absolutely adamant that several producers of primers, including Federal, have recently agreed to a request/demand from the "Government" (what part of the "Government" I was unable to determine beyond vague "Obama" references) that they produce primers that would now have a shelf life of only 4 to 5 years. :angry:


I have primers that are over 30 years old that still work just fine and ammo that is it least twice that age that fires with no problems. I know many others have the same experience. This bit of idiotcy is supposed to be something new.


I am hoping this will reach someone knowledgeable, preferably in the industry, who can quash this rumor. It certainly does not make any sense to me that any manufacturer would agreee to do something this stupid, even under "Government" pressure.


Has anyone else heard about this rumor or can possibly determine or reference a reliable source regarding it? I have not yet followed up by trying to verify such a thing by contacting Federal or any other primer manufacturer but if many others have heard the same rumor, I think I may well contact some of them. (Yeah, more than one.)


WARNING: I am quite sure that this rumor is bogus and do not want it promulgated any farther if we can help it. :excl::excl::excl:




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That rumor has been around since Clinton was elected, and proven as totally false.

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Now there you go, that explains the 3 bad primers I've had in the last 20 years.


I've heard that toilet paper is going to be in short suppy very soon. Seems that the Brazilians have finally cut down every last tree in the Amazon. No pulp, no pooh paper. Just thought I'd let ya'll know.



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Had an "interesting" experience yesterday. Ran into a guy at the range who was absolutely adamant that several producers of primers, including Federal, have recently agreed to a request/demand from the "Government" (what part of the "Government" I was unable to determine beyond vague "Obama" references) that they produce primers that would now have a shelf life of only 4 to 5 years. :angry:


I have primers that are over 30 years old that still work just fine and ammo that is it least twice that age that fires with no problems. I know many others have the same experience. This bit of idiotcy is supposed to be something new.


I am hoping this will reach someone knowledgeable, preferably in the industry, who can quash this rumor. It certainly does not make any sense to me that any manufacturer would agreee to do something this stupid, even under "Government" pressure.


Has anyone else heard about this rumor or can possibly determine or reference a reliable source regarding it? I have not yet followed up by trying to verify such a thing by contacting Federal or any other primer manufacturer but if many others have heard the same rumor, I think I may well contact some of them. (Yeah, more than one.)


WARNING: I am quite sure that this rumor is bogus and do not want it promulgated any farther if we can help it. :excl::excl::excl:





Sometime after the first time Obama was anointed someone had posted an open letter from the senior engineer of CCI regarding this subject. About 2 pages long but the gist of it was that anything (chemical wise) that would make a primer not function after 4 or 5 years would make a primer not function the minute it was put into the box at the factory.


The rumour is totally false. I will see if I can find the source and post later today.






Gateway Kid

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That would be a good way to stop the wars...............in a few years.

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I like the rumor. Next time I have a Federal shotgun primer fail to fire at EOT I'm going to ask for a reshoot based on gubermunt sabotage. Should be treated the same as a prop failure - not my fault.

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Thanks. This is the first time that I heard this particular rumor and figured that someone on the "Wire" could ground it. :)


The only reason I raised the question at all is that it was just stupid enough that, given the current political climate, there just might have been some small grain of truth to it. It certainly did not make any sense to me. (However, dealing with the "Government" you always have to keep in mind that something doesn't have to make sense, it's just policy!) :D


Let's consider the rumor quashed!




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It's a shame that our politicians ain't got a shelf life like that!!!!!!!!!! :FlagAm:

Knarley :D

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No problem. When you run out of toilet paper, you can wipe your rear with a spotted owl.


While Spotted Owl is mighty soft, the quality vs quanity is not there. The Florida Manatee is much better for this. If you skin them right, the pre-cut patches are much better. The tail meat tastes like chicken. Sell the flippers to the Chinese and donate the front teeth to Carl Edwards.

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Now there you go, that explains the 3 bad primers I've had in the last 20 years.


I've heard that toilet paper is going to be in short suppy very soon. Seems that the Brazilians have finally cut down every last tree in the Amazon. No pulp, no pooh paper. Just thought I'd let ya'll know.



Just like we're running out of helium, oh wait, that's true.



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While Spotted Owl is mighty soft, the quality vs quanity is not there. The Florida Manatee is much better for this. If you skin them right, the pre-cut patches are much better. The tail meat tastes like chicken. Sell the flippers to the Chinese and donate the front teeth to Carl Edwards.

I much prefer the California condor. Tastes a lot like the spotted owl, but they are big enough to feed the whole family and usually there is a bit o leftovers for sandwiches the next day! Feathers are a bit bigger. Underbelly ones are softer, but with the larger wingspan, you get more trips to the outhouse per bird.

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Wow! Talk about your thread drift! :lol:

Welcome to the Wire ;) It just happens sometime. You got your answer, right?



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Seriously, though. How would you like to be the lawer going after an ammunition or components manufacturer the first time someone was killed after the person tried, but failed, to protect their person with "expired" primers or ammunition and the rounds did not go off?

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If the rumor is on the internet, it has to be true. :lol:

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