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Old Army Cylinder Pin


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Just wondering, does anybody make after market cylinder pins for the Ruger Old Army, that are like the ones that come with it?

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Ruger has some parts but no longer sells them . Call Ruger and see if they will replace one if you return the gun to them. Belt mountain makes base pins but they dont work with the rammer. I bought an extra ROA just to have my own inventory of spare parts.

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Are you at the shoot? Am down in NC for a few days. Try Lee's Gun Parts in Irving, Texas. They have had them in the past.





Yup. Broke the cylinder pin loading up full house loads of SWISS 3f. 40grains.


Will call them up.

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01-08-2012, 12:41 #1


plunderer is online now

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Mar 2007




Ruger Old Army cylinder pins - anyone?


After a lunk in our club bent the cylinder pin on my ROA after dismantling it and failing to tighten the locking screw, I called up Christine at Ruger to order a new one.


She told me that -


a. there are no more base pins - blued or stainless.


b. there are no more ANY spares that are not common to the centre-fire Blackhawk series revolvers.

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Try Clements custom -- he does alot of stuff for ROAs



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