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FS OM Birds Head Vaquero ****SOLD PF*****

Rootin Tootin

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Years ago I bought a Birds Head Vaquero with a SS grip frame and Case Color frame and blued barrel 4 5/8 long in 38/357. Fancy looking gun. It is complete with correct box(BNVBH-34 and matching numbers), manual and bullet sample fired. I used it for a number of years and put it away. It is the old model and has probably 500 rounds through it. It needs a new home.


The bore is excellect. The bullet sample says 7/01/2003.


Price reduced to $450 with free shipping to your FFL.


Contact me at prlucky299@aol for pics. I haven't figured out how to do that yet in this format.


God Bless America........Rootin Tootin


BTT, what kind of grips?



Black Micarta


Based on our PMs I'll take it.


Thank You Captain Bill Burt............


SOLD PENDING FUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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