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WTB Rossi 92 action job DVD

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I Picked up a nice early Rossi 92 in .44-40 recently. I plan on slicking it up a little this winter, and would like to buy one of the DVDs on how to do this.


PM me back if you have one you want to sell...

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If I may make a suggestion, post over on the Wire that you would like to BORROW the DVD from someone and will return it when you are finished. You really only need to watch it once, after that it will just sit. I did it when I first got a '92 and it worked out real well.

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I Picked up a nice early Rossi 92 in .44-40 recently. I plan on slicking it up a little this winter, and would like to buy one of the DVDs on how to do this.


PM me back if you have one you want to sell...



You can get one direct from "Nate Kiowa Jones"--'92 Rossi Specialist---or buy one on AuctionArms. B)

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See stevesgunz and git one from the guy considerate enuf to make a dvd

that looses him business.

He also has a kit to help supply tools and a few parts to complete the job.

I just happen to have looked at his website yesterday as my rossi is gettin

a couple upgrades and guess what?

Steve is the only guy I can find who has the parts.



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