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5 1/2" 1858 Remmie 44 Police

Come On Christmas

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I bought this from a pard on the wire a few months back. Shot in three matches. Shoots straight. Have not shot paper with it. Clean bore. Pristine condition. I already have three Remmies don't need this one.


$185 Conus FIRM to a good home. Payment shall be made with a Postal Money Order.


Here is what it looks like I will post some picks when I get home from work.




Thanks for looking,



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Alright Shameless, I'll take this one.

Sounds to me like yer getting rid of all yer cap guns???????

Not movin' towards that heathen smokeyless stuff are ya?


Thanks pard.


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Naaaaaaah! Still got my Remmie Shooters 44 you sold me and a beautiful color case hardened 44 Remmie. They both have checkered grips. I also have some fun false Ivory grips with a skeleton head in a Sombrero smoking a roll your own in his teeth.


I bought shoulder stocks for my Remmies I can shoot in NCOWS.


I have a Uberti Remmie Navy in .36 and a Pietta 1851 in .36 as well.


I are still making smoke!



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Paypal payment made tonight at 8:45 Eastern.

Thanks a bunch pard.

Now I have 3

4 3/4, 5.5, & 6.5 inches.

Two for shootin & one for back-up.


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Curley, you can trust Prairie Dawg & Rye with your wife or your life, but not your pistols. Last year my better half Miss Hope shot with them all day then tipped the brew before dinner and stayed late with those fellers, all unescorted by me who was out of state for work, and every one a proper gentleman.


I would not give them such unchaperoned access to my percussion revolvers!

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He is quicker than me. Fool that I am. I sent him a sawed oft Remmie I bought for the 5 1/2 Remmie Police OFF THIS WIRE. I did not even notice. I am hoping he will take it with him to the Tuco shoot this weekend to see if someone else wants it.


I tried to surprise him by sending him the pistol with a set of his "Tuesco look alike skeletor grips" They look like his Avatar, only deceased.


Instead, I be the one that got the surprise. I already paypaled him his money back plus pay pal's juice.


Dang we been trading to and fro since I started in 2004. First time either one of us goofed.


Here beez a picture of the grips or greeeps.





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I'm slow as molasses in Winter as they say......


Yep shameless, we all goof up sometimes.


I remember I was selling a bunch of roll crimpers here on the Wire several years ago.


I had about 20 at the time (I collect old shotgun stuff) and was selling off duplicates.


Anyway, I shipped most of them to the wrong folks.


I think Professor Fuller Bullspit still thinks I'm a lunatic!


So son't feel bad.......


Yer a straight pard & fixed it right away.


I appreciate that.


Take care pard.


I'm off to 3 days of makin smoke, frontier cartridge gunfighter style -- YeeHaw


We got us a bunch of Pale Riders, Pale Rider Gun Fighters, and Frontiersmen this weekend -- Too Much Fun!


--Smokin' :ph34r: Dawg :ph34r:

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Yep, zee PDawg has my dinero and my peestol. He will have it at the Tuco three day chute. If you wanna buy it you get the fancy schmancy greeps I sent heems. I thought the grips were $35 they cost $60. I like the Dawg, but not that much. $185 firm. I hope he does not sell eet so he has to stand in line at the posting office.



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I bought this from a pard on the wire a few months back. Shot in three matches. Shoots straight. Have not shot paper with it. Clean bore. Pristine condition. I already have three Remmies don't need this one.


$185 Conus FIRM to a good home. Payment shall be made with a Postal Money Order.


Here is what it looks like I will post some picks when I get home from work.




Thanks for looking,




Is this thing sold or still hanging around?? If hanging around unsold I will take it...


Texas Lizard

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