Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 I was shooting fairly tame black powder shot gun loads. Many times if I only need one shell to handle a knockdown I would let fly with both barrels from my side to side. Previously, I had always done this from my shoulder. This weekend I shot both barrels shot from the hip. I do not think I was griping the shotgun quite tight enough. The breach lever severed a pretty deep gouge in the web of my right hand. No, I am not gonna hunt down an ambulance chaser, but the TNN I have (not from this last shipment) has a pretty sharp breach lever. I looked at my Stoeger and it ain't much mo betta. Oh sure, I will do it again. I am who I am, just from the shoulder not from the hip when I let fly with both barrels. I use less than square black powder loads. I just don't want anyone to get hurt cause I remained silent. No so, Shameless after all
Virgil Ray Hality, SASS# 37355 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Ouch! Thanks for the heads up.
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 When you do silly things bad results often occur. The fact that you would even mention an "ambulance chaser" shows the thought was in your mind and why we have such a litigious society.
Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 Huh, I thought I blamed myself. Silly me. What I meant was it was not the gun's fault, but the lever blade with enough kinetic energy will cut the well you know out of anyone. You can not always read inflection from the written word.
Larsen E. Pettifogger, SASS #32933 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Huh, I thought I blamed myself. Silly me. What I meant was it was not the gun's fault, but the lever blade with enough kinetic energy will cut the well you know out of anyone. You can not always read inflection from the written word. True.
Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 Thanks Larsen. I dunno that I am a weather vane for my area of Texas, but the recognized or unrecognized Outlaw category seems to be very popular in Northeast Texas and Southern Oklahoma. I dun't want some new bean hurting himself. I don't think I am the only wild hare in this game. I am kind of proud of myself for not cussing or forgetting about muzzle safety. Shameless
Texita Draw SASS#77940 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Was it worth receiving the Black Squirrel?
Big Jake1001 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Was it worth receiving the Black Squirrel? Ya gotta remove the brackets and to work. I fixed it for you. Jake
Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 Was it worth receiving the Black Squirrel? Ohhhhhhhhh yeah! Will I do it again from the hip? Ohhhhhh Noooo! I received the coveted Black Squireel from my buds at The Shortgrass Ranger range in Grainfield, Oklahoma. The first Texan to win the award I'll wager. Only 4 have been awarded. The last award was given when a gust of wind blew Goose Terwilleger's hat off and he blew a hole clear through it with his shotgun :~>= Shameless
Johnny Meadows,SASS#28485L Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Take about smart moves. About 45 plus years ago my Cousin and I decided to cut a double barrel down to 12" barrels and a pistol grip. At least I was smart enough to let him shoot it first. The results were the same as yours. We finished cutting it up and threw it away after one shot. Johnny M.
Jasper Agate Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 same thing happened to me with a stoger many years ago never tried that one again!! I think i ended up with seven stitches and I told the doc a wrench slipped working on a car Jasper
Lead Ringer Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Take about smart moves. About 45 plus years ago my Cousin and I decided to cut a double barrel down to 12" barrels and a pistol grip. At least I was smart enough to let him shoot it first. The results were the same as yours. We finished cutting it up and threw it away after one shot. Johnny M. So, that's how you started your gunsmith career. Let me be the first to say, you have made major advancements Ringer.
Manatee Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 When you do silly things bad results often occur. The fact that you would even mention an "ambulance chaser" shows the thought was in your mind and why we have such a litigious society. Bingo. Act like someone on Jackass: expect similar results.
Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 Where the ambulance chaser came in . . . ? I was using my iphone to find a doc in the box in Wichita Falls to save some coin. I could not find one or at least one that was open cause we hung around the range till my good friend Mitch Dalton could finish shooting the 7 stage all shotgun course at The Shortgrass Rangers range. My idea, not Dalton's he wanted to go, but really, after the initial tickle and dance (which I am told rivaled the footwork of the local indigenous population) my hand really did not hurt. An ambulance drove by. My bud Dalton is a nurse in the Bertram County Jail and he was tired of messing around and we followed it. The next day the hoorahs at the range was a calling me an ambulance chaser. As my SASS avatar clearly indicates the handsome man was guilty as hell. "That is the rest of the story." Shameless Womanizer
Brother King, SASS #69031 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 People forget that S**T happens sometimes. At WR 2 yrs ago on the last stage my '78 Colt started double-firing on a 6 target stage. By the 5th target (now out of ammo) my right hand was broken from the trigger guard slamming against my middle finger. No, I have no idea why I didn't just load one at a time and finish. Might have had something to do with 1) it had never done it before in the 4 years I've shot it and 2) once the buzzer goes off I'm not that smart. But, likewise, if you're shotgun is doubling, STOP FEEDING IT TWO AT A TIME!
Adirondack Jack, SASS #53440 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 Both barrels, even goodly loads, from the hip are no biggee. You gots to hang onto the smoke pole like ya mean it though. BTW, get ya a file followed by some 400 grit and take the ouch outta that lever. Screw the bluing, just slobber with bore butter or ballistol after so it don't rust.
Come On Christmas Posted September 17, 2012 Author Posted September 17, 2012 P.M. or post a picture Jack. That is what my buddy suggested, but what I thought of doing seemed like it would make it worse. I will still hip shoot . . . Jest one at a time. Too much muscle memory. Cool shotgun, but the TNN lever is purdy sharp. Shameless
Utah Bob #35998 Posted September 17, 2012 Posted September 17, 2012 The M79 grenade launcher had a tendency to do the same thing. That`s why you kept your thumb down on the ritght side instead of over the top of the stock. Try it if you're going to hipshoot.
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