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Thanks Cherokee Charlie!

Long Jim Hancock

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Charlie may shoot me... well... NEAR me... but just a word of THANKS


For his Donating the Custom Hand-made Pistol Rig in our last Cowboy Memorial Chapel Raffle!


He asked to be annonymous, but with our fundraising goal met, I wanted to thank him publicly.


The winner was J.P.G. Ringo...congratulations sir!


The most giving pard I ever met. And a heck of a leather maker too! thank you CC and Jim for all your hard work for the chapel.


Charlie may shoot me... well... NEAR me... but just a word of THANKS


For his Donating the Custom Hand-made Pistol Rig in our last Cowboy Memorial Chapel Raffle!


He asked to be annonymous, but with our fundraising goal met, I wanted to thank him publicly.


The winner was J.P.G. Ringo...congratulations sir!


Why would he want to change his alias to Ann Onymous? Who dat?


Thanks for recognizing a fine gent, Long JIm.


Proud to have shot with with Charlie on several occasions, looking forward to keep on doing it as often as possible, and very proud indeed to call him a friend. One of the best cowboys there is.


Way to go CC, good job cowboy!


Long Jim, was it ever announced who won the Life Membership? I don't recall seeing anything, but then again, I've been out of touch lately.


Thank you, my friends for the kind words. God bless.


I've known CC from the wire, and started shooting Ambush with him for past 5 years. In all that time, CC is always giving. When CC gives, its always first from his heart, and the time he spends on always making something special.

CC is one of the few left who wants and does give, rather then expecting to receive.

Both BlueJeans and I, feel blessed to know him, and call him a friend. MT


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