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Saloon Girl and Parlor House Madam Variety Show

Shotglass 17153

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Come join us for a night of old west entertainment, Saloon Girls, Parlor House Madame’s and the chance to win a new gun. The Saloon Girl and Parlor House Madam Variety Show this year will be by the shooters and for the shooters. In addition to our usual antics we will have Variety acts by fellow SASS members for your pleasure and entertainment. Saloon girls and parlor house madams will be selling tickets before and during the event. Photographers will be available for photos with your favorite girl or guy. And we will be offering a fantabulous drawing. The girl who sells the most tickets wins a personal protection derringer. The tickets sold will all be part of a random drawing for another personal protection derringer at the end of the festivities. Must be present to win, of course.


Come invest in our future, all proceeds go to the SASS scholarship fund.



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Cowboys and Cowgirls,


You do not want to miss this.


We have been partnering with Bond Derringer and Redwing Knives and plan to have some serious prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place saloon girls and parlor house madams.


We will also have a raffle to benefit the SASS Schorarship Fund. The tickets are for a raffle for again a serious grand prize with serious 2nd and 3rd place prizes too.


How serious a prize are we talking about here? Well did you see who our sponsors are? We have multiple prizes from both sponsors. Get that? Multiple prizes from both sponsors.


The girls are going to knock the judges socks off.


Artie and Sadie will be there to takes pictures of everybody. Get a picture of your with your favorite Dove or Madam or with all of them.


What else can I say? Oh yes, Free Frozen Margaritas.

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