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Marbles Sight is Wobbly

Come On Christmas

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There is a flat metal spring in the base. If you can take the spring out and recurve it, that will tighen the post. The is a small set screw in the knob, loosen the screw and remove the knob. Be careful, there are some little detent balls in there that are easy to lose.

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Think the CASCity forum has a how to. May have been in the BROW sub forum but cannot remember. Was writen in the past couple of months.


Boils down to disassemble, carefully squeese roll pin that the actuall sight slides up in down in until it is slightly too small, with a die file file slot until the sight will slide up and down without slop.

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Be careful, there are some little detent balls in there that are easy to lose.

Yep.. be careful with that.. and don't ask me how I know... but I don't have mine anymore :blush:


When mine gets wobbly I tighten up the bottom allen head screw.





Mine got wobbly before I got it tightened.. :blush:

at a match it came off in my hand at the loading table.. OOPS!!! :wacko:

Luckily it was the last stage... shot without it.. clean mind you.. :)

Next time I went to the range.. I duct taped it back on.. :mellow: (Yep.. duct tape)


I set it to where it needed to be... took it home and JB Welded it back on..

Like one pard said.. once ya got it set.. ya don't seem to ever change it..

Soooo.. My up and down adjustmensts are cast in JB Weld.. still moves side to side :) though


Rance <_<

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If you have a sight that doesn't have a setscrew, you can use a center punch on the sight (less expensive than a barrel) over the bottom surface a few times. The use of the punch raises a ridge of metal around each punch mark which makes the sight fit tighter in the dove tailed slot. Common sense will tell you how many punch marks, how deep, etc. to get it to fit firmly without wiggling.

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