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WTB: a couple of Uberti 1-piece wood grips


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I need a couple of Uberti One-Piece wood grips for SAA repro's. Anybody take their's off and still have 'em laying around? Figured before I went ahead and bought new, I'd stop here first.


lemme know whatcha got...

Duc McC

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Got one off an 1860 army, and another off an "early" 1871 open-top, think it's navy-size? Both with original Uberti Red finish. Make me an offer. Discounts given if you throw in your first-born daughter, a horse and two blankets.

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Got one off an 1860 army, and another off an "early" 1871 open-top, think it's navy-size? Both with original Uberti Red finish. Make me an offer. Discounts given if you throw in your first-born daughter, a horse and two blankets.


Thanks pard,

But the 1860, early open tops, and R-M Conversions (uses the 1860) won't fit. Appreciate it.

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FWIW, a couple of years ago I wanted to replace the 1-piece Uberti grips on my brass frame '73 Cattlemen (still want to but not usurping this post). Contacted VTI who informed me that Uberti made a change in the brass frame dimensions (can't remember when they quoted but mine are 2004). They haven't carried the ones I want since then. Just saying that yuh might want to be a bit more specific, unless yer prepared to do more fitting than is usual fer Uberti grips.

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When I bought my cimarron Ps.There were one with wood and one with fake ivory.I call cimarron and the said that my guns were not made any more.I bought 6 one piece before I got one that would fit and was the same color.I bought two singles and then bought a pair then bought two more single.The last one I bought I could use,it was the wrong color but it fit.Good luck find some that fit and match.

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