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It ain't to late to thank Adirondack Jack

Widder, SASS #59054

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Ya know, its alittle late for us to thank John Browning, Sam Colt, Oliver Winchester and Mr. Marlin(?) for their creations but it ain't to late to thank AJ for workin out the details and getting a major brass maker to make the Cowboy .45 Special (C45S).


In 'tinkering' with one of my Marlins today that is set up for the C45S, I do believe that is pretty much a perfect cartridge for the way alot of us want to use the .45 in CAS.


It just seems to be 'on the money'.


Thanks AJ. Ya done good!






Ill second that motion.

Jack Thank You for stepping forward to bring the Cowboy 45 Special to the CAS community.

You gave us the cartridge case that was asked for by some and when you gave them what he asked for he turned his back on it,be careful what you ask for you just might get it.

I know of a bunch of shooters who appreciate what you have done for us and cowboy action shooting. Adios Sgt Jake




I havent shot it yet - but I have the brass to start the journey when the time comes - the fact that a carrier (through AJ) can be made for the 60/66/73 rifles and the Marlin (via Widder) can be set up to fire it also is a testimony and tribute for this cartridge.


Looking forwrad to shootin' it soon.



GG ~ :FlagAm:


Thanks for you innovation, time and effort AJ.




Love 'em stubby 45s of AJs in my 1860 open tops with Kirst Konverter cylinders. It's a combination that's just plain right. Thanks AJ!





I am in total agreement with DD. Love them in my Kirst equipped '58 clones. :)

Many Tanks, AJ :excl:


Yep, a big thank you also, love mine, have had several shooters shoot mine, they are interested in them, won't know until shooting season starts weather they went with them or not, but I know I like them whole lot




All for now JD Trampas


Oh Yea!!!!!!



Oh Yea!!!!!! Thank Ya...Thank Ya...Thank Ya...AJ :D I love the 45sp with real 3f BP and a 200gr BL in the revolvers. Heather shoots 'em with Red Dot and a 200gr RNFP. As Rick Flair would say "Oh Yea!!!!!!" :lol:



Jefro :ph34r: Relax-Enjoy


Thanks pards. When I first looked at this thread I was humbled. This has been, as a few know, kinda a rough winter here in the Trading Post. You fellers gave me a much needed boost.


I'm pleased beyond my ability to say that so many folks have enjoyed the Cowboy .45 Special as much as they have. Coming up on 6 years now, since the commercial roll out and close to 8 years since I began with a handful of cut down cases. I've learned a lot along the way, met some great people, and formed business and personal friendships I couldn't have imagined. No undertaking like this is done alone. I've had the generous help of some very fine people who helped with experiments and helped flesh out the carrier, the rifle mods, and the load data. Along the way we figured out how to make em run in the Marlins, then the toggle links (which they said couldn't be done), and figured out how to make a Master Caster cast hollow based bullets (again, the big boys said that was impossible). It's been a helluva ride.




Unfortunate how many folks know nothing about Cowboy 45 brass. Loads of folks on these forums trying to download the 45LC cartridge, which simply doesn't lend itself to downloading. It was the "Magnum" of its day.


If it wasn't for jack, we'd be turning down the bases on "45 Rimmed" brass..........................


Thanks Jack!


AJ....I owe you a phone call, always enjoy our conversations as well as your insite. You have helped me through some times and know that you as well are in my thoughts. To the subject....I first heard of the 45 special from Widder and ordered a bunch from ya. Buckshot Ed made up the first ones for me and I've been using them ever since. I shoot them in my Vequaros as well as my Old Armies....and I love the round.


Thanks for the effort.....people like you and other inovators make this sport ever changing and ever improving.....thanks for the options.




Whether or not I ever shoot one, I recognize the benefit to the CAS community of what you have done. It has often been the case that those who try to figure out a better way do so in the face of pessimism and negative feedback. It sounds as though the situation was no different for you. Such makes it even more impressive to have it done.


Doc Ward, When I first posted a "what if?" message on the Wire about my idea, one feller who was then very active and respected Wire denizen replied almost immediately, "If you must." In the following days the posts ran about 50/50 in approve/disapprove, and PMs about the same. Though some comments were mean -spirited, I was then fairly new to SASS, not a well known figure, and this compounded the skepticism. (I first shot CAS in the Fall of '03, and began this project in late '04, going commercial in'06) I didn't know a lot of people in the game in those days.




The following winter we had a very lively, months-long discussion about what became knows as the "mods doc." or SASS firearms covenant, then under negotiation. Somehow my project got tagged by the wire as evidence of CAS "going to hell in a hand basket" by some, and I took daily abuse on the Wire.


Griff, who you can tell by his SASS number has been around a very long time in CAS, PMed me and said "Keep yer chin up. Sometimes it sucks to be on point." I never forgot that.


As time went by I began to make friends because of this project.

The first time I spoke to anybody about possibly going commercial with my "Short Colts", as I then called them, it was a feller we know as Ranger Sgt. Jake McCandles. I had met him not 20 minutes before, and Sgt Jake assured me he would be my first customer and help spread the word if I did so. He's become a good friend in the time since. Widder, Korrupt Karl, Coffinmaker, and many more have become good friends that I first met because of this idea.


I never have stayed awake nights because of the detractors, though I will admit a couple of "high power" folks who expressed support to my face or in print, only to turn their backs and rip the idea up later disappointed me some.


I remember the first time someone said to me "What kind of load is that?" I was unloading at the unloading table at a big annual shoot in Az. Why Cowboy Specials of course! I shoot BP with a 160 gr piece of lead in my Rugers. It is a wonderful load and shoots great! AJ ....I've been shooting these since I converted to BP about 6 years ago and will never change. Why tinker with success! You did good Pard :rolleyes:


AJ, thanks for the abbreviated history! Being very much a newcomer, I missed all of the excitement. Since I sold my .45s to my brother, I don't know if I will ever get back into the large bore guns, although I hope the money will one day again come around so that I can. If I do, I promise to give them a try. Once my brother starts reloading (he procrastinates, so there is no telling when that will happen) I will urge him to give 'em a try too.


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