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Hodgdon only lists Winchester 231 @ 1.4 grains. My Lee Auto disk won't throw this small an amount and it is too small for a Lee Dipper. What's a mother to do?

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Hodgdon only lists Winchester 231 @ 1.4 grains. My Lee Auto disk won't throw this small an amount and it is too small for a Lee Dipper. What's a mother to do?


Short of purchasing a powder thrower that will throw a small charge, you are left with weighing each and every powder charge on your scales before putting into case.

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To get into an area where your measured amount is closer to reality, put each individual casing on your scale and weigh it, then add your 1.4 gr or whatever micro-amount to the case. You would end up getting a more accurate total when weighing let's say (just an example) 7.4 grains, than if you were splitting hairs trying to measure out some micro-amount (1.4gr. ?).

Otherwise, fill it up with black powder. There is hardly any measuring required other than any attempt you would make in trying to get them all about the same.

This was advice I got here when asking about any specific black powder load for my .32 S&W I.J. pocket revolver.

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Smokeless?? :lol: :lol:

Just get some BP. A pound will last you many years at that rate. ;)

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Lymans 47th edition lists several powders that are suitable, but the faster powders are the ones best suited like Bullseye, Red Dot, W-231, HP38, also listed are 700X, PB, Green Dot and Unique.


Bullet diameter is critical in these revolvers as the barrel dimensions vary widely from as little as .309 up to.312, so using bullets sized at .001 over groove size is important.


You can make a dipper out of a small cartridge case. Shorten it to the correct size for your load and solder a piece of copper wire on it for a handle. Works like a charm.



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With that tiny case and smokeless, which by it's nature is progressive, and pressures rise geometrically as charges increase, I weigh each charge. Even with the adjustable charge bar, your lee will vary .2 or more grains, which is too much. Unless you're using a Ruger or other .32 H&R revolver meant for high pressure, it's the only way with smokeless in .32. The old guns won't take too much pounding, and .2 variation can put ya over the top.


I use Unique at .3 grains UNDER max listed in my old gun. A fired .22 rim fire case cut to size with a wire handle (strip out the ground wire from a scrap of 12-2 house wire) epoxied (or soldered) to the rim is a good dipper. I'd still weigh charges, but that'll get ya closer than the Lee...

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Hodgdon only lists Winchester 231 @ 1.4 grains. My Lee Auto disk won't throw this small an amount and it is too small for a Lee Dipper. What's a mother to do?

I'm not sure how many ccs that 1.4 grains works out to but Lee does have two powder throwing options that might work for you. You may already know about these but I thought I'd just post the info here in case you didn't.


Adjustable charge bar



Micro Disk


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...in the .32 S&W shorts that Ms. Mary Matilda and I shoot, the powder of choice is Schuetzen Ffg Black Powder. And the cartridges are shot in our derringer and 2 pocket pistols...

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You want the perfect powder for them stubbies in an old gun? Use APP 3F. Fill the case to bottom of bullet then stuff the lead on. Done.

Easy to clean up guns (water or Windex). Easy to measure with dippers. Easy on the old gun. Won't gum up gun. Easy to load. Uses regular bullets (no need for any special lubes). Smoke (just a little) but no sulfer fumes. Try it.

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I'm not sure how many ccs that 1.4 grains works out to but Lee does have two powder throwing options that might work for you. You may already know about these but I thought I'd just post the info here in case you didn't.


Adjustable charge bar



Micro Disk



I use the Lee micro disk with Bullseye - very accurate measure with this powder. A pound will last a long time (5000-7000 loads)

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I have used a lee dripper with a pencil eraser stuffed inside it to reduce the volume to 1 grain or 1.2 or 1.4 grains. just cut out more erasier till you get the right amount of powder...

its a lot faster than weighing each charge. and usually within .1 grain as long as you watch how your scooping...


Good luck,




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