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New JEDI GF pins are available

Widder, SASS #59054

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If your a JEDI GF, the new pins are available.


Korupt Karl will be posting a pix of them in a couple days.


If you've ever earn your Jedi GF status and want one of these pins, which are the 2nd generation pins, send KK a PM.


The 2nd generation pins are Black & Gold. The basic pin is black with JEDI GUNFIGHTER in gold color and the two crossed single actions in the middle of the pin are also in gold color.


KK has done a great job on getting these pins made and a huge JEDI SALUTE to him for his efforts.


I'm ordering mine today!





Thanks for putting this online. Our first order of the original pins was 100 and we have only 15 left. We now have another 100 and we made the center background black like the perimeter....All the raised areas are gold. If you want one of the originals they will be on a first come basis.


http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d87/Roofdoc/DSC09161.jpg This is the original. I will post the picture of the new one as soon as I can. The only difference is the new one is black where the old is white....in other words all black with gold trim.


If you are on the Jedi list I can send you pins...if you want to order for a group of Jedi's that will help as well. I will be sending a bunch of the pins to Widder in the event you shoot with him you can get them from him direct. To handle cost and mailing send five $ per pin and I'll get them out to you.


Sorry, I cannot send them to anyone not on the list. Be sure to send your return address and your alias....


Karl Peterson

P O Box 15746

Ft Wayne, In 46885






For those JEDI GFer's who will be shooting with KK down in Florida during January-February, just contact KK with a PM and tell him to deliver yours at a match.....maybe The Last Stand, etc....


This might save KK some time and effort in the mailing process.


Just a thought.


Special Thanks to KK for designing these pins and getting them available to us. They are REALLY a cut above.





Just a note....I will be at Cutter's Raiders the first Sat in January and will have pins with me. I will not be at Last Stand, but will be at Myaka, Ruskin, Punta Gorda and Gold Coast for any of you desiring pins. I still have about 10 of the original ones and 75 of the new ones left.




I want one KK and I will be at Cutters. We are also shooting at the Log Cabin this Sat. if interested.


Whar are the requirements to become a Jedi Gunfighter?



Howdy Ala Shootist.


Here is some info about Jedi Gunfighters, etc.


At present, there are about 150+ SASS members who have been recognized as JEDI GFer.

There are 4 Jedi Council members: Badlands Bud, Jed I. Knight, Possum Skinner and myself.


As established back in August 2006, we are the only ones who can designate someone as a JEDI GF based upon strong recommendations from another shooter or sponsored by a shooter who is already a JEDI GF.


There are both male and female among the ranks.


Of the 150+, only 11 are considered JEDI MASTER GF due to either their contribution to our game and helping others and/or their great skills as a GF, of which a good number of the JEDI Masters have won multiple BIG matches state and above shooting in the GF category.


Here are some of the criteria that is considered by The Council when granting a GF their JEDI status:


Match winner shooting GF

Clean match shooting GF

An Ambassador, either by deed and/or attitude. Generally understands the rules in what is acceptable as a GF.

A GF that is valuable to their club as a worker, participator in club activities, etc...

A GF who is available to help others learn techniques of shooting GF and shooting it better. You share your knowledge and experience to help others become better GFer's.

Any intangible that makes a shooter 'A Cut Above' as a GF.


NOPE, you don't have to be a hot-shot GFer. You don't have to be any speed champion.


But you do have to be someone who does alittle more than just so up at a monthly, shoot and go home.


Thats basically it.


There are Master GF, Pale Rider GF, Soot Doves, and even 1 SITH LORD (Jed I. Knight)


Hope this info helps!





Maybe one day I can join this order.

Two folks I'd like to recommend now if not already recognized.

Shifty Eye is one.

I would also like to nominate Dash Caliber.

Both are honorable men that have added a lot to each of the clubs they shoot at.


Hey KK, are you gonna be at winter range?


GA; Due to the health issues with my wife I've canceled going to the Florida State and I do not have plans for any other major shoots at this time.



GA; Due to the health issues with my wife I've canceled going to the Florida State and I do not have plans for any other major shoots at this time.



What's the latest on your missus?


Let Widder have a couple for me. I owe one to Tennessee Tombstone, (he gave his to me at my induction ceremony), and I'd like one as a gift to Tall Drink A' Water who doesn't have one. I'll send you a check or pay Widder when I see him, your call.


What's the latest on your missus?


Let Widder have a couple for me. I owe one to Tennessee Tombstone, (he gave his to me at my induction ceremony), and I'd like one as a gift to Tall Drink A' Water who doesn't have one. I'll send you a check or pay Widder when I see him, your call.


BD; I will be seeing Widder the first part of January so you might wait to see him. Thanks KK PS: He will have a few of the old and a bunch of the new ones.


You da man, KK!! Still needs an update on your lovely lady. How's she doin' and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both!!


You da man, KK!! Still needs an update on your lovely lady. How's she doin' and MERRY CHRISTMAS to you both!!


BD: Your mail is full. Sorry I missed your note before. Kay is taking it a day at a time. She is having her second treatment on Thurs. and will have another the first part of January. If she does well with them she can continue them in Florida.


Thanks for asking


PS: Just sent out Jedi pins to Fireball, Jed, Philip,Spittoon and Butch. I tend to hold them until I have a few and then mail them out.




PS for any future orders, the PO increased the postage from 57 cents to $1.73....so if you don't mind can you please send me an extra dollar per pin bringing them to $6@....this will include the shipping. Sorry about that, but the PO decided to do the increase.





Hey Karl,


I tried to drop you a note, but your in box must be full. Prayers continue for Kay.


I'll call you in the next few days.


Merry Christmas






Long Ranger Rick and I were inducted into the Jedi Gunfighters at CominAtCha 2011 by Possum Skinner. I will be sending our money for our pins, I am so looking forward to getting them.


Chula Kat


I'll be seeing Widder in about a week and will be dropping off 20 new pins and 5 of the old. I am mailing for more orders off in the morning to Jedi, Jess, Cowboy Rick, CC and others should have received theres already. That brings the total to 40 pins requested. I will have pins in Florida after the 10th and will be at Ruskin, Myiakka, Ft. L, Punta Gorda and maybe a couple of other shoots.....see ya down the road.




PS: Thank you Newman....


I'll be seeing Widder in about a week and will be dropping off 20 new pins and 5 of the old. I am mailing for more orders off in the morning to Jedi, Jess, Cowboy Rick, CC and others should have received theres already. That brings the total to 40 pins requested. I will have pins in Florida after the 10th and will be at Ruskin, Myiakka, Ft. L, Punta Gorda and maybe a couple of other shoots.....see ya down the road.




PS: Thank you Newman....



Hey KK,


I got my new Jedi pin last week and it's pretty cool. Thanks for taking the lead with this, you're a Jedi amoungst Jedis!




Got the pins you sent and you sure did a good job designing jedi pins.


They sure look good on hat, thanks KK; crosscut hardy


Got the pins you sent and you sure did a good job designing jedi pins.


They sure look good on hat, thanks KK; crosscut hardy



Appreciate the kind words. Enjoy and happy new year



  • 2 weeks later...

Karl, my Jedi pin came in the mail today. Thank you so much, it is very nice and I will wear it proudly. Do you have any of the first pins? It would be nice to have both.


Chula Kat



Hey There KK,


Got me one of the new pins today form Widder. Really like the solid black with gold copy & logo. Hope I get to visit with y'all one of the times you pass thru ETN. Hope you & wife have a very pleasant winter in Florida.


Vaya con Dios, Keystone


Karl, my Jedi pin came in the mail today. Thank you so much, it is very nice and I will wear it proudly. Do you have any of the first pins? It would be nice to have both.


Chula Kat


I have about ten or so left. I'll save you one. When you send a request be sure to put in big letters. "OLD PIN"....I am responding to about ten requests a week and I sometimes will screw up....don't let me....lol. I will probably have a small lag time in sending out as I had mail forwarded to Florida and haven't received any new mail since last Friday.




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