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Replica Arms Dragoon

Come On Christmas

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I have researched this some and found a chart that shows when this pistol was made IF it had an Italian Proof mark which it does not.


It has a 300 three digit serial number on most everything even the on the wedge pin.


I know that this does not make the gun much or really anymore valuable, but to a select few. I still would like to know.


P.M. me if you have some serial number chart and I will give you the exact number.


Thanks in advance,



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I have researched this some and found a chart that shows when this pistol was made IF it had an Italian Proof mark which it does not.


It has a 300 three digit serial number on most everything even the on the wedge pin.


I know that this does not make the gun much or really anymore valuable, but to a select few. I still would like to know.


P.M. me if you have some serial number chart and I will give you the exact number.


Thanks in advance,



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Hey Shameless:

Maybe ask over on the replica arms collector's website.

Replica Arms Collectors


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Dawg, Thanks very helpful. Texas Man

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