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Want to talk with a ruger gunsmith


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My guns work perfectly, I just want to buy myself a Christmas present of some nice cosmetic work. Would one of you cowboy gunsmiths who has the time and inclination, please give me a holler? Simple work. PM me or drop me a note at jnmcc@nc.rr.com and we can discuss what I want.

Only need is that I absolutely have to have the guns back by late February.


Oh yeah... no line cutting. just take these blued Vaqueros and blackhawks and put 'em in the white with a high polish and bead blast the frames. Not a particularly big job, I just lack the tools myself.


rest of y'all step back, I'm looking for a gunsmith to reply here.



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Ron Snover aka Ottway Smith does great beadblasting on Rugers

Tennessee Deadeye :FlagAm:

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rest of y'all step back, I'm looking for a gunsmith to reply here.


Then you probably delayed getting started by posting on the Wire instead of sending emails to some of the gunsmiths. Many of the gunsmiths are very busy and don't look here very often if at all. If you want to contact most of them, you'll have to get their contact info, email them or phone them (usually better) and see if a few will be able to do the work on that schedule.


THAT is why folks are giving you the names of several good fellows - it's in case you want to contact them!


The work you are asking for can be done a lot quicker (maybe cheaper too) by someone local, maybe not even a dedicated cowboy gunsmith. Nothing you have listed NEEDS an expert Ruger cowboy gunsmith - just someone who can refinish guns to your specs.


Good luck, GJ

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I got replies from some gunsmiths via PM and e-mail. I appreciate all those that responded and gave me time frames and prices.




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