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WTB 16 guage MEC

Noah Cash

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Just got a Win 87 in 16 guage and if any pard has a low end 16 guage reloading press that they want to part with I could use it. Dont need any of the progressives, dont think I'll be shootin the old gal that much, unless it was a right good deal. A MEC 600 or 600 Jr would be great if anyone has one they are not using anymore.


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If you do not find a seller on the Wire, try Ebay. They are not as available as other gauges but they do find their way to auction. I purchased one two years ago in fair condition for $120 shipped to me. This was a reasonable price at the time. Have no idea what they are selling for now. You may also try www.16ga.com. From their home page, search 16ga ammunition and reloading. You may find it easier to register/log in. Believe the MEC would be available here if you advertise as a buyer. Good luck. By the way, what is the chamber length of your 97? Winchester historian told me they came in 2 9/16 or 2 5/8 until the early thirties. The shorter chambers do not like 2 3/4 in shells. Sagerider

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Sage Rider


According to the info . I have been able to find , the date is late 1913 , when it went to 2 3/4 . The 1911 I had , was recut to feed moderan ammo .

But I have seen Eruopen gun dated into the 20s that are short chambered , small coustom smiths , for the most parts .



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It is not a MEC but I have a Lee Load-All that for all intents and purposes is brand new with a complete set of shot and powder bushings that can be yours for $45.00 and actual shipping.


If you are going to Comin' at Cha I could deliver.


I'm always open to trades and offers.



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