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for you cow and train lovers

Trigger Mike

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Kinda reminds me of the "fake dog poo" one could buy in the novelty stores when I was a kid..


Only it looks like ya can buy the "fake cows" to go along with this stuff!


Wow, talk about detail.. :lol:


I was in the Navy going to a calibration school at Lowry AFB. The instructor knew I was taking a weeks leave in between a couple of classes and asked me for a favor. Being the coutry boy I was I thought it was a grand idea.


What ended up being a bit strange was on the way back to Denver from Oklahoma I was pulled over by a CO Hiway Patrol for a burnt out headlight. He asked what was in a pizza box in my car and I showed him. He could not understand why I was carrying a big dried cow patty in the box.


Anyway, my instructor was happy. The guy he gave the "pizza" to was not.


Reminds me of the quail crap necklaces, earrings and cuff links of a few years back.


Kinda pretty(encased in plastic) until you found out what it was.


Of course iffn' ya want to have the PC version, ya have to also get the small group of vegan animal-rights activists protesting the cow pies because of the methane emissions they are giving off which is supposed to be polluting the ozone layer, or something like that.. :rolleyes:


I would have to go buy a shovel... too many years of cleaning up after them as a child. Ever clean two gutters twice a day? lol


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