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Anyone in the Sacramento Area

Subdeacon Joe

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On the early news this morning KCRA, channel 3 Sacramento, ran a little piece about CCWs in Placer county and the classes for it. I didn't catch all of it, but what I saw was pretty good, didn't show gun owners as knuckle dragging idiots. It may be rerun on the noon news, maybe in the last 10 minutes, unless breaking stuff knocks it off.


Supposedly it will also be up on http://www.kcra.com/index.html sometime today.


I still can't find it on the KCRA website. But the basic story is that in Placer Co. applications for CCWs are up about 500% over last year. And about a quarter of those are by women. Showed women, including a KCRA reporter, taking training at a range. Well dressed, well spoken, reasonable sounding women. Good PR for exercise of our protected civil rights.


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