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Ted Nugent on CNN's Piers Morgan

T. H. O' Sullivan

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Watching that caused me to think, and then to dig a bit. That "80 people a day" stat that got thrown out. And usually compared to, oh, Finland or Andorra, with maybe 3 homicides a day (that number just pulled out of the air for comparison). BUT those countries have tiny populations. For a real comparison we need to look at political areas with roughly the same population.


The US has a population of about 310,000,000.


Europe, that is Western, Northern, and Southern, has a population of about 410,000,000. So, it might be fair to compare the US to almost all of Europe.


And the raw number "80/day" carries a lot of emotional baggage. Need to compare rates per 100,000, the way the professionals do it.


For the past decade the US has had a homicide rate hovering around 5.5/100k. Europe has a rate of.....about 5.5/100k.


Uncle Ted Rocks!




You sure got dat shot right !! :lol:


That manky limey git! Typical BS, anti-gun, statistic-spouting jacka**. That manky limey git! Morgan is a Hollywood tool. And his show is crap. Probably got a pic of the in-bred Royals in his dressing room. :angry:


Ted took him to school!


He is a transplant but not a citizen, still a British subject. unlike the late show's Craig Ferguson, a Scot who worked for his citizenship and has this tattooed on his arm. Now he's not particularly pro gun BUT I sure have a lot of respect for a transplant like him. His autobiography is entitled "American On Purpose". :FlagAm:


Heh, heh, heh... :lol:




Two things I would like to do before I die..


1. Go deer hunting with Ted.


2. Jam together on guitar with Ted.


(Not necessarily in that order!) ^_^


Now iffn' ya'll will excuse me, I'm gonna go kiss the sky for awhile with my '63 Strat.. :D


Piers needs to go home and clean up his own house before coming here and telling us how to run our business.


England's over all crime rate is 5 times higher than ours.


Ted's right - 96% of those killed all have prior criminal records.

I don't see a problem with that.


I have always been impurest How foreigner come over here make money and live off the U.S. then talk crap about how screwed up America is


Kiss My @$$!!!


Oh, darn, I'm going to have to buy another Nuge album.


Uncle Ted; You Rawk!


..and Nugent's friend Gov. Rick Perry (who has an A+ NRA rating) put his hat in the bid for President - nice!!



GG ~ :FlagAm:


Heh, heh, heh... :lol:




Two things I would like to do before I die..


1. Go deer hunting with Ted.


2. Jam together on guitar with Ted.


(Not necessarily in that order!) ^_^


Now iffn' ya'll will excuse me, I'm gonna go kiss the sky for awhile with my '63 Strat.. :D

Yer gonna kiss this guy??? Wut?


Anyway, I'd like to go hog hunting with the Nuge, in a helicopter, with an automatic weapon, with Uncle Ted payin' for the ammo. ;)


This is the best sound bite so far, "What I want is the Second Amendment. We the people, free individuals, to have the right to keep arms for self defense. Find fault with that."


It is not about more guns.


Ted Nugent was born in the wrong century. He would have fit in perfectly as the quintessential American Pioneer; living off the land, understanding the importance of the firearm as an essential tool to survival, and essential to keeping power in the hands of the average citizen against an over-reaching government.


We are lucky Uncle Ted was born in the 20th century. We need more unapolagetic champions of the 2nd Amendment.


T.H. O'Sullivan

Black Mesa Ranch

New Mexico



Yer gonna kiss this guy??? Wut?


Anyway, I'd like to go hog hunting with the Nuge, in a helicopter, with an automatic weapon, with Uncle Ted payin' for the ammo. ;)


You and me both, that would be a hoot.


Yer gonna kiss this guy??? Wut?


Anyway, I'd like to go hog hunting with the Nuge, in a helicopter, with an automatic weapon, with Uncle Ted payin' for the ammo. ;)


Nope. :lol:


Don't wanna take no long hot showers with him neither.. :huh:


Some huntin' and geetar pickin' would be most cool though! B)


For the unenlightened out there, the "Kiss The Sky" remark was actually a reference to a line in a Jimi Hendrix song..Namely,"Purple Haze"..When it first came out in the 60's a few people joked he was saying ""Scuse me while I kiss this guy"! :blink:


I would also like to ride in a helicopter, as well as a B-17, go skydiving, (Talk about kissin' the sky!), boat a 500+ lb. Marlin (the fish, not the gun), go on safari in Africa, and a bunch of other stuff..


I can (barely) remember a college dorm bull-session where we tried to determine what Hendrix sang for all time. Was it "Kiss the Sky" or "Kiss This Guy"? After about 50 playings at all sound levels, tonal adjustments, filters, and even speeds, a significant amount of cheap beer, and a visit from a screaming dorm monitor, we voted. The result was split about 50/50, with the deciding vote passed out underneath the study desk.


Ah, yout.


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