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Feedback Forum

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I've received more feedback requests, so I've updated the Forum.


Just a reminder, the address is: www.cowboyshootinggallery.com/Feedback_Forum.html


The way it works is this:

Each comment is attributed to its author, who takes full responsibility for the comment. If you have any questions or concerns about a particular comment, please contact the author directly.


Feedback left must be limited to "just the facts", briefly stated. No rants or comments of a personal nature will be posted. Simply denote whether you were the buyer or the seller, and then a simple sentence or two about your transaction experience.


The Feedback Forum is not affiliated with SASS, TFS, CAS City, or any other Bulletin Board, and is not endorsed or authorized by any "Cowboy Action Shooting" organization.




The link your showing doesn't work for me, I have had it in my favorites for a long time, mine still shows the last update as of Nov 22 2010, not sure why, but keep up the good work



Boss Hoss Fly, I'm sure since it's not affilated with all the cowboy forums that is why it is not pinned, that's a shame, could be useful




All for now JD Trampas


The link your showing doesn't work for me, I have had it in my favorites for a long time, mine still shows the last update as of Nov 22 2010, not sure why, but keep up the good work



Boss Hoss Fly, I'm sure since it's not affilated with all the cowboy forums that is why it is not pinned, that's a shame, could be useful




All for now JD Trampas




I know it not really part of the Wire thing but gud gravy- have ya noticed sum of the pinned stuff over on the Wire?


BHF, shows the same thing I have in my favorites, and yes I have seen what they have pinned, not sure why they can't do this, but oh well, it is their place to do as they see fit



All for now JD Trampas


BHF, shows the same thing I have in my favorites, and yes I have seen what they have pinned, not sure why they can't do this, but oh well, it is

their place to do as they see fit



All for now JD Trampas


Rekken so-

Its the old "OURS IS NOT TO REASON WHY" reason----

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