Trigger Mike Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 We will get a refund this year, partially because we adopted a child from Mississippi, and I told my wife one option was to get the refund in the form of a debit card that I could take over to the CMP where the army sends their old guns to be sold to the public and she actually said no. Strange how she did not balk when I said we could take it to a car dealership and use it toward a new car for her.
Stubborn Dutchman, SASS # 61363 Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 We will get a refund this year, partially because we adopted a child from Mississippi, and I told my wife one option was to get the refund in the form of a debit card that I could take over to the CMP where the army sends their old guns to be sold to the public and she actually said no. Strange how she did not balk when I said we could take it to a car dealership and use it toward a new car for her. Strange creatures them women. Never can figure them out.
Whiskey Business Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 Generally speaking, a new car depreciates thousands of dollars the minute you drive it off the lot. Not the same with a new gun.
Apache Hawk 60642 Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 "Womens head are da hardest rock da Almighty made, and I can find no sign on it." By a man who knew what he's talkin' bout !
Subdeacon Joe Posted April 2, 2011 Posted April 2, 2011 Generally speaking, a new car depreciates thousands of dollars the minute you drive it off the lot. Not the same with a new gun. I've never driven a gun off a car lot.
DocWard Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 I've never driven a gun off a car lot. I've gunned a car coming off the lot. Is that close?
Wild Will Bartell Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 My ex operated along those lines. What's hers was hers and what's mine was hers. That's why I'm likin' this co-habitation thing. We both throw in for what's needed around the house, vacations and the like and we keep the rest for ourselves to do with what we want. Why can't it never work like that once the marriage contract gets signed...
Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 Posted April 3, 2011 Posted April 3, 2011 "A Hymn to Him" (My Fair Lady)
Texas Man Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 My ex enjoyed going all over the world and spending all the money she wanted to including when she and my aunt went to England and when they found out they could not smoke on the commerical plane coming back, She chartered a Lear Jet to fly her and my aunt back to the U.S. so they could smoke on the way home. Then one day she decided to file divorce on me and I was served with papers and a restranging order and I could not go back to get my guns from my own house or the ranch either. Seems She was upset about My secretary and Me and she had hired three high dollar lawers to build a fire under my behind. The divorce took over a year and during that time My guns had become half her guns as in Texas its called common grounds. Then I discoved she was giving my guns away to lawers and a few other deadbeats. I was not a happy camper. Then when the day of the divorce came I had had it with layers and the court system. Just as the Lady Judge, The same one who had been giving me dirty looks all during the hearings ask me to approch the bench and looking down at me over her glasses, She ask,,,Mr.---- I would like to ask You one question before I make my decision and I told her to ask and she "Ask me if I knew then what I know now would Me and My secretary do the same thing knowing what I know now? I knew she had already made up her mind and when I told her "Oh Yes your honor I would in a secounds time" and with a dirty look on her face she instucted the bailiff to sit me on the back row of the court room as My two attorneys just about messed in their pants when I told the judge that and they said "Oh Man You are in for it now the Judge is really P---ed at You now" I told them she had already made her mind up and to hell with her anyway. That remark cost me seven and a half million dollars and as I was walking out of the back of the court room two Mexican women sitting on the back row said "Thats the man I want and the other Lady said No I dont want him I want the lady that just took all his money" Once outside in the hallway, My attorneys were telling me how sorry they were for me when I started to laught and they asked how could I laught at a time like this and I asked if they hear what the two women had said and they said yes they hoped I had not heard and I laughted as I told them hell, I would just go make more money. I had pure hell trying to get my guns back and a lot I never saw again. Yea, We had agreed that she could spen money on whatever she wanted and it was O.K. and I would buy guns with mine and that all went out the door when her attorneys got all greedy. After some time had pasted one got his a-- kicked real goon as he was coming out of a go go place down from my shop and the other got his a few months later and the third attorney got arrested on drug charges and was sent away. So I know about mad women. Texas Man
Caliope Cupcake #13981 Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 "all my Xas live in Texas...that's why I hang my hat in Tennesee!"
Wild Will Bartell Posted April 4, 2011 Posted April 4, 2011 "all my Xas live in Texas...that's why I hang my hat in Tennesee!" God Bless George Strait.
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