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Great SASS things to do in New England

H. K. Uriah, SASS #74619

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Here in New England, there are a whole buncha SASS clubs that are all great places to shoot. There's usually something on just about every weekend up here, and I can't think of enough good things to say about the various clubs I have shot at since I started this game.


But, as great as all the individual clubs are in general, I have to say that there are a few specific things that I look forward to every year. In no particular order, these are as follows...


1. The Iron Cowboy Shoot in November in Candia, NH. Two Rifles, Four Pistols, and lotsa shotgun targets. (This is usually the last shoot of the year for me personally.)


2. Getting to at least one shoot a year put on by the Lincoln County Lawmen down in Foster, Rhode Island. They do what they call the "Pike Class" at every shoot, which is their version of Wild Bunch. Wide open rules, allowing for any guns that existed up through the World War 1 era. You get to see a plethora of facinating old guns at one of these shoots.


3. The Shootout at Sawyer Flats in Harvard, Mass.


4. The Fracas at Pemi Gultch in Holderness, NH.


5. The Great Nor'Easter. (I've never been as a shooter, but just knowing it exists is great, and all the vendors that set up shop make it worth the trip on Saturday, even if you can't compete for personal reasons.)


6. www.northeastcas.com A great general purpose website for the entire region put together by the Danver's Desperados of Middleton, Mass that is an invaluabe tool for keeping up to date about what's going on in the area.


7. A good mix of Saturday and Sunday shoots, so that folks who can do one but not the other can get to something on a regular basis.


8. Driftwood Johnson.


9. Colt.


10. The Kittery Trading Post. (Okay, that's a stretch, as it's just a giant gunshop in Kittery Maine, but it's a great one.)


And probably dozens of more great things that I am forgetting at the moment.


Bottom line, if you ever get a chance to come back East, then be sure to bring your shootin' irons. You'll be glad you did. :)

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Well them are sure nice soundin shoots a goin on.

But us pards down here in the South Berkshires have to drive either 1-1/2 or 2 hours away to get to them.

Hartford Ct or Balston Spa in NY.

SO us'n here are going to try to get some Berkshire County pards a shootin in Lee Mass.

The Lee Sportsmen's Association has made some great stage areas, all ready fer shootin.

Hope we can get some thing going close by.. Especially with $3.59 per gallon right now.


Any pards on here living near by can just give me a shout fer details.


Hey I didn't mean to steal your post;


When I saw New England I just had to look to see who was close by!!!


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SASS Vermont State Championship


Green Mountain Mayhem, St Johnsbury, VT, Memorial Day weekend (actually starts a couple days before, and ends on Sunday)



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All the shoots in the New England Territories are great. And remember, it's where the "Old West" started.



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All the shoots in the New England Territories are great. And remember, it's where the "Old West" started.




And don't forget it is where all the guns came from!!!


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