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Prayers Up for Folks in the Texas Panhandle

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110k acres and at least 70 homes/businesses lost from Snyder to Amarillo. Some fire related deaths. Some towns had to be evacuated. My niece in Amarillo is on pins and needles as she lives east of town.


Much of this was prairie but a lot was CRP. Am thinking the rules need to be revised allowing owners to hay or graze portions each summer to keep the fuel down. Then again 70 mph winds will bout jump anything.


Knew they had a blow yesterday cause my vehicles were covered in mud from the rain last nite here in central OK.



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Our prayers are up for all involved.


~EE Taft~

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Dunno Birdgun but the wind is out of the North today so maybe they can kind of get thing under control. With the conditions like they are all it takes is a cigarette flipped out the window & there is a lot of CRP in OK Panhandle. Hopefully things will slow down some.


You might be able to follow it here. Amarillo TV

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