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Update on Brayden

Lil Buffalo Sam Peedette

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Hello all,

As promised I am updated everyone on my son's progress. Well sadly he has come down with RSV which is a respirtory infection. Therfore we are required to postpone his surgery till a later date. I am really hoping that we will only have to hold off for about a week but at this point I don't really know when the surgery will be. Please continue to send up prayers as this little baby tries to recover from his illness. I know that everything happens for a reason so I will leave him in the good hands of our lord. Till then prayers are as important as ever.

Thanks again


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I'm praying that Brayden's surgery will come soon and that the outcome will be a favorable one for him. May God bless your family with this request and that it happen in God's time, praying that it will be soon. Smithy.

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I will pray for Brayden and the family.

God Bless

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