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Sharps 18xx rifle article

Cabalero Chuck

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Going through recent article archive listings at GunDigest led me to this information packed article (some nice photos too !), and I thought to share a link with all of you.




I'd like to think that it is enjoyable to everyone who takes the time to read it.

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Thank you for the article! I am a very proud owner of a C. Sharps "Old Reliable' 1874 Sharps rifle in 50-140 caliber. :D

Though that rifle was never produced in that caliber, I just had to have something that topped Quigley's 45-110 in 'punch'. :P


GG ~ :FlagAm:

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Recently bought a Pedersoli 1874 Sporting Rifle. The cowboy who had it had never fired it. Over the past few months I've been gathering 45-70 brass, dies, moulds and the like. Yesterday I cast and loaded my first 100 rounds and have not even had a chance to take it to the range. This was a very timely article for me. thanks WW

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