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Who decides

Slowhand Bob, 24229

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I have been waiting for several years now for Riders of the Purple Sage with Ed Harris to get upgraded to DVD. The prices of VHS tapes has steadily risen over that time also and if you watch the buyer ratings you will find it to often be rated much higher than some of the better known flicks. I would really like to have a copy but it just doesn't make since to buy and store a player for just the one movie. It just leaves me wondering who makes the decision to upgrade to DVD and on what basis they decide? I had hoped that the release of Appaloosa might get the right persons attention but in the end the movie did not seem to do that well I guess.

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Mass sales of DVD's have dropped off, so profit is the deciding factor Bob. It's all up to some middle manager and the accounting department.


However, some of the studios are trying something new to compete with RedBox and Netflix. For a small fee, they will burn a DVD of whatever the movie is that you want, or you can download it to your computer and make your own copy. If I recall, Warner Bros. started doing this about a year ago. Don't know if others followed along or not.


Here's their site: http://www.wbshop.com/Warner-Archive/ARCHIVE,default,sc.html?src=GGLHMOD&gclid=CJr-qrCbgacCFQjrKgodi25bgQ


If you know who made the movie originally, a check of the studio website might have the info you're looking for.

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Great movie!!!! One of my favorites!!

Was made for TV...Turner Home Entertainment.1996

You can go to their web site and vote for it to be made in DVD


I have the VHS, but am afeard ta play it much...it might get ate!!

Them Dang machines!!



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Great movie!!!! One of my favorites!!

Was made for TV...Turner Home Entertainment.1996

You can go to their web site and vote for it to be made in DVD


I have the VHS, but am afeard ta play it much...it might get ate!!

Them Dang machines!!



A common english mistake. It might get ett not ate....... ;)

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OK, let me git this un right, iffen I go to the site offered up by Bad Hombre I kin vote fer RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE to git put on DVD? Yall mind iffen I say yall sent me and, if necessary, perhaps drop one or two of yore first names to git in???? I never new it wood be so easy and I will let yall know when it will be out!

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