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MEC Shot Reloader

Gary Norsk

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A member back had a problem with the crimp on a Mec reloader. One thing I found with the steel "older crimp die" is it gets rusty inside and some times picks up pieces of plastic that jamb inside. Before removing the die measure how high the 1/4" screw sticks above the die this is to get you close on re assembly, Now draw a picture of the lock nut so you know how it goes back, remove the die and clean out with steel wool hoppes etc. Hope this helps. Gary

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The older steel crimp die.


I toss them in the tumbler with some of my brass for a turn of a couple of hours.

Also if the crimp is not doing as it should, you can check to make sure the crimp insert is the one needed for your hulls. 6 point or 8 point.


The 6 point will close up the 8 point hulls but they can look bad and make the next trip through the press a bit tedious.


I can measuring up an older MEC now to see if the newer plastic crimp starter will fit up and replace the metal one. A quick look say it should.

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Sounds like your were talking about the crimp starter called a Spindex Just so happen I just replaced the oder steel crimp starter with the new type plastic one yesterday for the 12 ga. Part# 846212, it comes with both 6 and 8 fold crimp heads. The good thing about it the plastic crimp heads snap on and off real fast, I like it. Got it from Grafs. The Die with the rust inside I was talking about was the large last final crimp die. Always liked the MEC loader Gary

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