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Knee surgery

Rye Miles #13621

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I got a bad knee, it was diagnosed as a torn meniscus. It was suggested I go in for arthoscopic surgery. I have never been operated on in my 63 years and I'm a little skeered. I'm also concerned about the recovery time. It's not real painfull all the time but sometimes it really bothers me and I know it's not gonna git better on it's own. :unsure: Anyone have any experience with this surgery?:mellow: Thanks, Rye


I can't remember the number of patients I referred for this surgery. As far as knee surgeries go, this is one of the easiest, with the quickest recovery time. The recovery time is based of the type and extent of damage, so no one answer will cover all possibillities. Even for the worst case scenario meniscal tears, you can expect to be on crutches for three weeks. Full recovery, using a comprehensive rehabilitation program will generally take about three months, and athletes involved in high demand sports can be back on the field in about six to eight months. Lesser tears with minimal surgery will have you up and going in far less time.


In general, most of my patients were allowed to return to sports in 4-8 weeks after surgery. Listen to your orthopedist and physical therapist, ya danged polecat. :blink: Good luck.


I had arthroscopic surgery for a meniscus tear on the 4th of January this year. I was able to walk unassisted out of the hospital. Went to a local restaurant for lunch.

Spent the 5th in a recliner with an ice pack(furnished by the hospital). Went to work for 1/2 day on the 6th and 7th. Back to work on the 10th. I had and have some slight pain in the joint but it seems to be getting less daily. With the fresh surgery, the only pain medication I took was over the counter Tylenol. I did not fill the pain medication prescription.

If I don't improve from where I am, it was a plus deal. I can get around now and that was becoming problematic before the surgery.


Go for it!


Had that surgery on both knees - really nothing to it - other than the anxiety of going under the knife. My 2010 surgery took less than 30 minutes & I just walked out of the hospital. Didn't need the 'script for the pain meds - took over-the-counter stuff for a few days just to help with the minor soreness.


Hi Rye,


I've had a tough time since I retired. One of the things I did was tear my meniscus, twice. The second time was really bad and I had the arthroscopic surgery. The biggest problem with it was living in a three story house. It healed quickly and you can't even see the scars now.


Do it before you tear it again. That second tear was PAINFUL!




Allie Mo


I've had the arthro too, Rye. Thought mine was the same as yours, but turned out to be the ACLCounting surgery day, I was off a week. Went back to work with the stiches still in. Was driving fork lift at the time, so had an easier time making things work. Yes, it's surgery, but not like the old days for knees.........Buck :blush:


I am sitting here typing this with my leg elevated and iced. Had a knee total replacement 2 weeks ago tomorrrow, and can't wait till I am back up and 100% once again. Had the orthoscopic surgery a few years ago and it did help. A torn miniscus is also a pain that won't get well on its own. As long as you have a Dr. that YOU trust and can rely on ...... go for it. I Have ben told by many that although the recovery may be a "pain in the back side" once you get it over with you will be wondering why you dudn't have it done long ago. I know I am already wishing I had it done long ago and had not put up with the pain for so long.

Keep us posted on your recovery, should you go ahead with it.


I can't remember the number of patients I referred for this surgery. As far as knee surgeries go, this is one of the easiest, with the quickest recovery time. The recovery time is based of the type and extent of damage, so no one answer will cover all possibillities. Even for the worst case scenario meniscal tears, you can expect to be on crutches for three weeks. Full recovery, using a comprehensive rehabilitation program will generally take about three months, and athletes involved in high demand sports can be back on the field in about six to eight months. Lesser tears with minimal surgery will have you up and going in far less time.


In general, most of my patients were allowed to return to sports in 4-8 weeks after surgery. Listen to your orthopedist and physical therapist, ya danged polecat. :blink: Good luck.

Yup -- everything Okie says, except I've been the patient, not the doc. As a matter of fact, I've had this procedure done twice to each knee over the years. I'm a pretty active person (gonna be 58 years old in a few months) and my recovery has been 100%. Get with a therapist afterward and do the program. It's not fun, but the results are worth it.


Good luck!


Thanks pards, your words are encouraging. I'm gonna call and schedule surgery for 2nd or 3rd week of Feb. due to work appts. I have.


Okie, I guess yer name is fer real huh? Didn't know you was a REAL sawbones!


Hope I can recover by April 2, that's Smoke in the Woods and I already signed up!!! Maybe I can change my category to "limping around duelist" :lol:


Thanks pards, your words are encouraging. I'm gonna call and schedule surgery for 2nd or 3rd week of Feb. due to work appts. I have.


Okie, I guess yer name is fer real huh? Didn't know you was a REAL sawbones!


Hope I can recover by April 2, that's Smoke in the Woods and I already signed up!!! Maybe I can change my category to "limping around duelist" :lol:


I'd be surprised if you are still limping then.


I had a torn meniscus repaired by othoscopic surgery. I expected it to be a piece of cake. I was surprised by the down time I spent. I missed 3 days of work (plus the weekend). Had it done the day b4 thanksgiving one year a while back. The ice really helped and the rehab got me going again. I dont see the scars there or where I had a rotator cuff repaired (and never used or needed a crutch or cane).


Both were done by the same doc (at different times) and both healed nicely.


While the recovery & rehab were not much fun, they were better than the constant pain before the surgeries.


So-go into it knowing you will come out better than before you went in, but DO THE REHAB!!! it makes all the difference!




Thanks pards, your words are encouraging. I'm gonna call and schedule surgery for 2nd or 3rd week of Feb. due to work appts. I have.


Okie, I guess yer name is fer real huh? Didn't know you was a REAL sawbones!


Hope I can recover by April 2, that's Smoke in the Woods and I already signed up!!! Maybe I can change my category to "limping around duelist" :lol:



Don't you worry none 'bout gettin' around at Smoke in the Woods. We'll see to it ya get around.



Thanks pards, your words are encouraging. I'm gonna call and schedule surgery for 2nd or 3rd week of Feb. due to work appts. I have.


Okie, I guess yer name is fer real huh? Didn't know you was a REAL sawbones!


Hope I can recover by April 2, that's Smoke in the Woods and I already signed up!!! Maybe I can change my category to "limping around duelist" :lol:

Ryes, keep us posted.. and let us know how you are doing!! Hugs.. Deja


Ryes, keep us posted.. and let us know how you are doing!! Hugs.. Deja



Thanks Deja, the hugs felt good!:lol:


Thanks to all you pards for your support and encouraging words. Haven never been "cut or drilled into" I'm a little apprehensive but I just can't keep on with this awful pain. :angry:


Allie, Yer right I don't need a second tear thanks, Rye


Thanks Deja, the hugs felt good!:lol:


Thanks to all you pards for your support and encouraging words. Haven never been "cut or drilled into" I'm a little apprehensive but I just can't keep on with this awful pain. :angry:


Allie, Yer right I don't need a second tear thanks, Rye

Dear Rye,


Don't even think of it as "cut or drilled." The arthroscopic stuff is so noninvasive compared to the "old ways."




Allie Mo


Dear Rye,


Don't even think of it as "cut or drilled." The arthroscopic stuff is so noninvasive compared to the "old ways."




Allie Mo


Allie is right. The chainsaw, two-man saw, chisel, hammer, and auger are all stainless steel now. Screams are free. :o:blink::lol:;) I have yer back.


Uh, Oakie, you sure them screams are free now what with the new Obamer Care? Besides mentioning screams might spook ole Rye! :rolleyes:


The ice packs are good, getting the swelling down is right important. IIRC, I alternated between for the first couple days. Cold, then heat. i had a deadline, and HAD to get mobile in a week. Mine was my left, and was driving a stick shift truck at the time. Had to be able to work the clutch ok, made it just under the line. At work, I kept mister left proped outside the lift truck cabin(?) until I had to pass another lift or got into a tight spot. At least on it, I didn't need the left for much( electric lift). It had a nice ledge outside the driver's area that I could rest my heel on. Did have to alter how I got on and off it though. Pulled myself up and used the right for boost. Getting down, I swiveled in the seat and dropped down landing on the right mostly. Boy, if they'd known them stitches was still in there, I might've gotten into some trouble. Left the cane I used for a few days into that week in my pickup. Had it just in case I had to stay on my feet for an extended period......Buck :rolleyes::blush:


I called the Doc and we is on fer Feb 14!!! Valentine's day???Do you believe that? Wonder if I'll get candy and flowers after?:P:wub:


I let ya know how it turns out. I can't believe how many of you pards had this. 125 years ago we would have suffered the rest of our life. No wonder they drank like fishes back when! Whiskey was the cure all fer all yer aches and pains!:lol:


(sometimes it still is)


Good Luck RM. I had at least three on each knee before the doctors said it ain't worth it anymore and replaced them. Had one done in '04 and the other in '09, and glad I did.


Good Luck RM. I had at least three on each knee before the doctors said it ain't worth it anymore and replaced them. Had one done in '04 and the other in '09, and glad I did.


3 on each??? Ya must have been missing ALL your cartilage in your knees. My sister had both knees done and the Doc said she was bone on bone! Ouch! :mellow:


All you pards that replied to this thanks again and I'm glad to hear you''re all doin well. Rye :)


I've had 7 surgeries done on my knees!! Right one worst, had first surgery done in 1970. Originally hurt it playing college football. Back then the procedure was to remove the torn cart. Finally in 2003 had a total knee replacement...which by the way had really great results. Should have had it done years earlier. Last September I tore the cart in the other knee elk hunting. Had orthroscopic repair done and was back on my feet in less than a week. I started back working out at the gym in November and am back to an hour on the treadmill! Can't go wrong..get it fixed and get back to your normal activities asap.


Just got back from my 3 week check up. Complained to the Doctor that I still had some discomfort in the knee. He looked at me like I was stupid and pointed out that I had at the very least 3 4" long parcels of scar tissue from the "poke holes" that had just healed plus the joint wearing itself back in. I should have some discomfort. He ran the knee through it's complete range of motion with no discomfort to either me or him.

Seems like I was wrong to expect 3 days of down time and right back to marathon training.

He say I should be 100% by the middle of March.


Just got back from the Doc - Got sum tore up soft tissue in there giving me the PAIN. Gonna do the 'scope on Feb 15 + 6-8 weeks recovery. Can't wait - Pain is fretful.


Also looking forward to getting a Left knee replacement when the Supartz Injections don't work any more.


Ahhh - - - It could be said that the only thing golden about the Golden Years is the color of one's p!;)


Just got back from the Doc - Got sum tore up soft tissue in there giving me the PAIN. Gonna do the 'scope on Feb 15 + 6-8 weeks recovery. Can't wait - Pain is fretful.


Also looking forward to getting a Left knee replacement when the Supartz Injections don't work any more.


Ahhh - - - It could be said that the only thing golden about the Golden Years is the color of one's p!;)


Good luck to ya John, I'm going in the day before you! Rye


I know a guy that does hand carved ivory peg legs if you want the link. :blink::lol:


Cool,......... I think!:wacko:


Hi again Rye,


BTW by the time I had my surgery, the pain wasn't so bad. Go figure. Don't let something like that change your mind about the surgery as a ragged meniscus is prone for more injuries.




Allie Mo


Hay Rye, it's a piece of cake. Had it done a number of years ago while working at UPS.Back to work in in time. If you get to the meeting Thursday I'll talk to you about it. You'll be shooting the BLACK in April, no problem.


My Doc. took pitchers of the operation from inside my knee while he was doing it. COOL It was something to see.


Hope to see ya Thursday. Duke




I am not a doc and certainly won't try to play one on the wire, but, I had my second meniscus repair in Aug last year. The recovery time is determined by age, condition and weight. I am 66, 265# and an office background. I was back shooting in 2 months and shot the SW Regionals in 2,5 mos. Your mileage may vary.


You guys and gals are encouraging. Hopefully all the walkin, bike riding and leg excercises (by the doc) I've been doin all these years will help. I'm a little overweight about 30 lbs. but active as I can be since this knee has been hurtin. We'll see what happens and thanks again to everyone for the encouraging words.


I gotta get back on my feet so I can whip some butt April 2-3 at Smoke in the Woods! Here's hopin'!:unsure: Rye


I can't speak for the modern lookin' through a television surgeries, but many years ago I had torn cartilage and a ligament ripped off the bone. My scars still show. Anyway, a couple of months after surgery I still didn't have 90 degree motion. The doc said if I didn't have it by the next month they'd take me down to PT and give it to me. I just never went back. By then summer was coming on and I spent pert near every day swimming in the creek. By the end of summer I had full motion. That was 43 years ago. I have very little trouble (occasional soreness) with that knee and I work in a recycled fiber plant that has a LOT of stairs to go up and down and a lot of walking on concrete.


So my advice. Have the surgery, then find an indoor swimming pool and make some waves. Or if you're feeling polar bearish, find an outdoor swimming pool and make some waves. :lol:


I tore the medial meniscus of my knee in January '05. I put off having the surgery because of our annual match that I'd committed to working. By the end of the match in March I could barely walk on that knee.


My surgery was arthroscopic with a local, I walked out of the hospital within 1 hour of the surgery. I used a single crutch for 3 or 4 days starting the 2nd day. No prescription drugs for pain.


I missed 1 monthly match cause it was only 2 weeks after surgery. The knee felt pretty good unless I stood on that leg and turned, I felt that for sure. Returned to shooting in a match in about 6 weeks and just took it easy.


Doc cut out about half the meniscus, it was tore up to bad to save. He told me that I should give up jogging, not a problem since I didn't jog anyway.


Do your therapy and exercises. If you don't and your leg stiffens, you don't want to know how much that's going to hurt to fix.


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