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Deja Vous - Top 25


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...my fearless forecast is Deja Vous will hit the top 25 by January 29, 2011 at 1425 hours.


Okb (fearless prognasticator)


Heck, OKB, she's awreddy up to 28th slot... that puts her forty ahead o' ME~! :FlagAm:


Amazing the things you can come up with when bored while stuck home nursin' a head cold. :FlagAm:


...wasn't the head cold, it wuz the 14 degrees outside.... with ice from the rain storm last night..... :FlagAm:


Dunno what's worse... no snow here, but I'm stuck at home feelin' like I have a washtub full o' salt water behind my eyeballs... :FlagAm:


Yup, I'm bored too. :FlagAm:


Nimble fingers did pay off just like Dad said.. lol.. I am give my own "number"????? lol... Too funny...


From the Saloon came the chant.


Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous

Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous... Deja Vous



Whew Bottles set me up wif sum of that Old Tanglefoot dis chanting is hard work.



Chili Pepper Kid


...how are we supposed to keep count of who's the top posters for the day?


...or who's got the most posts as Deja moves into the top 25?


...how are we supposed to keep count of who's the top posters for the day?


...or who's got the most posts as Deja moves into the top 25?

Well.... there was a link this mornin'... before the Wire got smurfed. :mellow:


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