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Happy Birthday General Robert E. Lee

Rufus Cogburn

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wazn't he Voted Most Likely to Secede.

Sorry :lol:



My Groan-o-Meter pegged over on that'n. :)

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I'll be drinkin' on Chichasaw's tab all night long !!!!! <_<






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Often wondered how life woulda been had the south won. Probably would have been 2 countries. I don't think the south wanted any part of the north. If they did take over the north it woulda been interesting to say the least. Guess I woulda been a good ol' boy from Cleveland,Ohio :rolleyes:


Happy Birthday General Lee

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Often wondered how life woulda been had the south won. Probably would have been 2 countries. I don't think the south wanted any part of the north. If they did take over the north it woulda been interesting to say the least. Guess I woulda been a good ol' boy from Cleveland,Ohio :rolleyes:


Happy Birthday General Lee


If the first 7 states had been allowed to leave, VA, NC, TN, and AR would have stayed in the Union. That Confederacy would have had cotton, rice, indigo, some tobacco, and ports, but only a 10% tariff, so it would have seen a lot of tonnage move through it. It's logical trading partner would have been the US.


Have to wonder how that would have impacted world history. Would the Span Am war happened? WWI?

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My grandson is three years old today!


I'm gonna' find the necessaries fer a mint julep!

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Jan. was a good month for Confederate General Officers:


1/8/1821- Gen. James Longstreet

1/19/1807-Gen. Robert E. Lee

1/21/1824-Gen. Thomas J. Jackson

1/28/1825-Gen. George Pickett


Its nice to know I have the same birthday with one of these gentleman...I now have some history with my day...Even with the age of 39 years...Again and again...Good enough for Jack Benny, good enough for me...


Texas Lizard

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