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Your the man Greenriver your in our prayers.


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Greenriver, I'll remember you and your family in my prayers, you beat it once, you already know you can beat it again!



My Friends grandpa was told by his sawbones he had cancer and he should get his affairs in order cause he'd be lucky to have 6 months, we buried him in 1990, Oh yeah, the Dr. gave him the news in 1948 when he was 48 years old.


I'm betting you'll be sitting on the front porch drinking whiskey when your 90.


All the best



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Know you didn't ask but prayers up for our Lords healing hands on you, His mercy, compassion and strength to those who care about you and His guidance, wisdom and skill be in those charged with your treatments.






Gateway Kid

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My prayers are up for your Docs, family and friends - call me stubborn, but I'm puttin' some in for you too. Stay strong Pard, and I hope we can share a whiskey or 10 someday.


Wild Will

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