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Check out them hats

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Mexican sugar-loaf hats. Sugar used to come in cones called sugar-loafs. The early cars had really high canvas tops so you could ride in the car with your hat on. When cars started getting roof lines lowered, Mexican sombreros got lower crowns too.


Big Jake

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The high crown gives a bit of air circulation and was theoretically cooler to wear.

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Yeah, but don't they make your head bones conform to the hat shape?


The Flathead indians would attach boards to a baby's head to make it flat.

Duz Mexican SUGAR LOAF hats do the same thang?

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Yeah, but don't they make your head bones conform to the hat shape?


The Flathead indians would attach boards to a baby's head to make it flat.

Duz Mexican SUGAR LOAF hats do the same thang?



Si! :blush:

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