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As i've HINTED today is my birthday :wacko:

OK, no big deal BUT as usual when we kant go fishin me 'n the wife dropped by our local gun store to look round & visit -

At our local dealer folks still come in to drink coffee, smoke a cigar, sit 'n shoot the breeze :)

Anyways the wife told me to check out a certian rifle (VERY unusual :blink: )

I did & it wer a old Marlin 336 30-30 with a 24" barrel :lol:

I said "very kool", dont see many with that long barrel -

She said " It's yours, put it in the truck 'n lets go drink beer 'n eat sum nachos" :o

Turns out the darlin waz made in 1950 - year i waz born :D


Seems her 'n Bill (store owner) waz in cahoots :P

As i've HINTED today is my birthday :wacko:

OK, no big deal BUT as usual when we kant go fishin me 'n the wife dropped by our local gun store to look round & visit -

At our local dealer folks still come in to drink coffee, smoke a cigar, sit 'n shoot the breeze :)

Anyways the wife told me to check out a certian rifle (VERY unusual :blink: )

I did & it wer a old Marlin 336 30-30 with a 24" barrel :lol:

I said "very kool", dont see many with that long barrel -

She said " It's yours, put it in the truck 'n lets go drink beer 'n eat sum nachos" :o

Turns out the darlin waz made in 1950 - year i waz born :D


Seems her 'n Bill (store owner) waz in cahoots :P


That's great.... Smart woman!

Give her a big kiss from me.

...now whatcha gonna do for her birthday?


Now DATS WHAT A WIFE IS FER !!!! :wacko:




Don't let no one tell ya any differant ! :blink:

That's great.... Smart woman!

Give her a big kiss from me.

...now whatcha gonna do for her birthday?



Hers waz yesterday-

Wist i'd got her more than a bracelett 'n flowers :wacko:


You are a lucky man BHFs... You marriend and angel, huh? lol... happy birthday!!!


I've been smiling about this thought...


What every man wants....


a woman who buys him guns!


1950? Hell You are a young dude, Got a long ways to go yet. Congrats on your new 30-30 made back when they were still making them right and the old 30-30 is till a fine caliber.


I have to add this about a pard of mine who always wanted a 336 Marlin in 30-30. Sadly he is not with us anymore but heres the story he told me about his hunting trip and his 336 Marlin.

Dan had been putting out corn and was ready on opening day. He said he had got up three hours before day light and was in his tree blind an hour before sun rise when it started to drizzel and sooem the water turned to ice as the sun come up. Dan waited for that big buck to sho wup but olny a few does came in. He had decided to call it a day and as he started to think about climbing down He said the call of nature was just too strong to wait so as he stood up and was well into releaving himself he heard a snort and looking down behind the tree stood that big buck looking up at him, Damn he was not expecting that and as he turned to take a spep to reach for his Marlin 30-30 his foot slipped on ice and the blind floor and down he fell to the ground landing flat on his back as the der let out a snort and took off and as he looked up at the blind he saw his 30-30 had fell on the floor and was slidding off the tree blind floor and down it came hitting Dan right across the bridge of his nose almost knocking him out as blood poured out fromt he cut. He said his day had started out with high hopes and had truned to s--- before it was open. I never laghted so hard in my life when he told me about him the blind in the tree and the buck and seeing that 30-30 in slow motion coming down at him. Not to take away from Hoss great b/f, When I see or read about a Marlin 336 30-30 I always remmber Dans hunting trip.

So enjoy Your new Marlin 30-30 and may it bring You happy membories in the times to come.

Texas Man

I've been smiling about this thought...


What every man wants....


a woman who buys him guns!












..................................... know where I can find one .... ???


Sounds like you're a real lucky feller BHF..


And it sounds like ya got a nice rifle there too..Happy Birthday! :D


Happy BD BHF, & congrats on the find.

I beleive I just accumulated her newer baby sister from 1960's,

Micro Groove SC.

Too bad these are too new for WB huh?

..................................... know where I can find one .... ???



I have one of those and you can’t have her.

For my 50th birthday which was in 1999 and the 50th anniversary of Ruger, she gave me a Model 77 special edition 1 of 1000 rifle, a 50th anniversary Mark II and a 50th anniversary edition Bearcat. All of which remain unfired but much fondled in the safe.




YOU GOT A WOMAN?????????????? ;)







Happy Birthday to you and the rifle :wacko:

Happy Birfday Boss Hoss Fly!

Drinks on Badger's tab. :wub:


HOLY SMOKOLA! How did my tab get sooooo big.


OK Drinks are on me.


Sorry I am late, Boss. I just saw the note. Don't know where I have been.

Belated HAPPY BIRFDAY to you, ole geezer. Dang yer getting old.


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