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Happy Friday all!

Grizzly Dave

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Any big plans for the weekend?


We have an extended family dinner at my sisters tonight, then probably work on some reloading tomorrow.



Any big plans for the weekend?


We have an extended family dinner at my sisters tonight, then probably work on some reloading tomorrow.




Going to go shoot tomorrow morning. A nearby club shuts down for a few months this time of year cuz of some pretty good snowdrifts on their range, so some of their members are borrowing our range and gonna hold their match here.

Cousins little boy has a birthday party tomorrow night (he's gonna be 6 :angry: ) . Different shooting group meeting on Sunday (kind of an annual dinner thing), election of new officers etc.


Should be pretty good weekend.






Gateway Kid


I work on Saturdays now from 3pm to 1am. So......


Not much really.





Nope - just cleaning the garage and basement...and checking out my new holster made by Michigan Rattler so I can shoot double-duelist. Woo hoo!


GG ~ :FlagAm:


I'll be stocking up on Pepto bismo and Mylanta. Just found out my company was bought by a multi-national corporation. :angry: great! :FlagAm: They say there will be no personnel changes. But isn't that always what they say.... The meeting at some point will start something like this "Hi, I'm from corporate and I'm here to help" which usually leads to either a big stack of pink slips, or to the implanting of some corporate moron that doesn't know a thing about my job, telling me how I am supposed to be doing it, and how I am supposed to be running my department. I've been here before, got the t-shirt and then pawned it for cash until I found a new job. Hopefully this time it will be different, only time will tell.


Yup, gonna be a bit tense for a while around here...


US Bankcorp and Wells Fargo were delivered a blow today regarding mortgages... uh... well... I guess I will sleep on that one... Sat I have plans with SASS kinda people to hang out up in the high desert.. Sunday I will be reloading with my favorite reloading partner Jittery's )JJJ's).. and Barney four paws along with Shiloh. Rats is hoping she can come along.. depends on if she is invited or not and if she will get her bath or not this weekend.. lol.. Lots of reloading needs to be done, so i am pretty sure it will be a total riot, or they will find me locked up in the attic over the garage someday by Jittery's for driving him over the edge.. lol.. Oh, wait he is already over the edge.. lol


I might have to see about moving my reloading table over by the TV out in the shop so I can watch movies while I reload. Not really a good spot for it over there permanently, but....


Grizz & DV

Going to be a shoot Sat at the local club ( ALS ) I hope to get out , I have missed the last 4 shoots so I got an ichin' trigger finger . I also want to try out the new Wild Bunch belt and holster I just finished up .

Sun will be in the shop reloading if the weather does not turn bad , calling for SNOW Mon. & Tues .

Hope this is hiw it goes .

See Ya down the trail


Chickasaw Bill

Guest Kid Sopris, Regulator, #3290

I am out looking for a volunteer to drive to the Sun. Appears the pilot light is out and it's been a tad cold up North here!

I work on Saturdays now from 3pm to 1am. So......


Not much really.



Well that just stinks. Can you come shoot at The Outlaws (usually done by noon) and make it to work?


Are you coming to DG at AC?


Hope to see you and Dar again soon!





Any big plans for the weekend?


We have an extended family dinner at my sisters tonight, then probably work on some reloading tomorrow.





Todays the wifes birthday-

Tomorrows mine-

Guess we all needa drink :angry:


(Sad news is she wants to buy me a new gun fer mine- all i got her was flowers) :FlagAm:

Todays the wifes birthday-

Tomorrows mine-

Guess we all needa drink :unsure:


(Sad news is she wants to buy me a new gun fer mine- all i got her was flowers) :angry:

Well Boss,


Maybe she'd be happy with flowers. We lived across the street from a florist for 35 years and I only got flowers once. :FlagAm:


Flowers are nice...




Allie Mo

Well Boss,


Maybe she'd be happy with flowers. We lived across the street from a florist for 35 years and I only got flowers once. :FlagAm:


Flowers are nice...




Allie Mo



Well, she was real happy, I had them delivered to her office today as a surprise - SHE WAZ SURPRIZED :FlagAm::blush:

I aint much on such but i has ma moments :angry:

You girls are funny bout such :unsure::lol:

Well Boss,


Maybe she'd be happy with flowers. We lived across the street from a florist for 35 years and I only got flowers once. :FlagAm:


Flowers are nice...




Allie Mo



Well, I aint never.....I mean NEVER got flowers a'tall,....




Till my last birhtday !!! Nosie Rosie :angry: got me 11 yeller roses, and 1 red one rat in da middle.




Dats when da screen with blurry !!!!


I shorely hope ta git some reloadin' done. :FlagAm:





Just mite have ta help da wifey out .....sometime.....maybe.....or not ! :angry:




If you can't guess I will be shooting. Big surprise! HUH LOL!


Painted Filly

I might have to see about moving my reloading table over by the TV out in the shop so I can watch movies while I reload. Not really a good spot for it over there permanently, but....

I was cleaning in front of the TV and watching movies.. lol.. But I found out after shooting BP that you clean a bit differently than I have ever cleaned.. so I had to move it to the kitchen lol

Grizz & DV

Going to be a shoot Sat at the local club ( ALS ) I hope to get out , I have missed the last 4 shoots so I got an ichin' trigger finger . I also want to try out the new Wild Bunch belt and holster I just finished up .

Sun will be in the shop reloading if the weather does not turn bad , calling for SNOW Mon. & Tues .

Hope this is hiw it goes .

See Ya down the trail


Chickasaw Bill

Chicks.. tell the Lead Slingers "hey" for me.. lol... If you ride the cart please laugh a few times just for me.. K???

Well Boss,


Maybe she'd be happy with flowers. We lived across the street from a florist for 35 years and I only got flowers once. :D


Flowers are nice...




Allie Mo

Yeah, but a rose bush lasts for ever... lol

Well, she was real happy, I had them delivered to her office today as a surprise - SHE WAZ SURPRIZED :P:P

I aint much on such but i has ma moments :D

You girls are funny bout such :(:D

Boss, women just like the attention.. we are easy to make happy.


Family gathering was fun and my box of knives was the hit of the white elephant gift exchange. I did pull a few out before packing it up though...


And as most family things, scheduled to go until 8.30 we got out of there after 10. But all were had by a good time.


My plans are to smoke some ribs and brisket while the weather is permitting. The spend most if not all the day tomorrow reloading. It's nice to have a weekend off and nothing to do.

Todays the wifes birthday-

Tomorrows mine-

Guess we all needa drink :blink:


(Sad news is she wants to buy me a new gun fer mine- all i got her was flowers) :wacko:



seems like a fair trade to me.



Nice gun!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nice wife!! lol...

I might have to see about moving my reloading table over by the TV out in the shop so I can watch movies while I reload. Not really a good spot for it over there permanently, but....


I wouldn't recommend that, Griz. Reloading's an activity that should be free of visual distractions. A radio/CD player and/or a cup of coffee are okay. Just my .02 worth.


Greg, I don't have the TV on when doing powder, and never have anything on it that I haven't seen before a zillion times, use it mainly for background noise. I powder charge each case, visually check it, and seat bullet, check crimp and drop into pistol cylinder before going to the next one.


Decap / resize, belling, and hard priming don't require nearly as much attention so I like the TV on during those operations. Especially when doing more than a couple hundred as it gets very tedious on a single stage press.


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