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Gettin rid of Woody

Holden A. Grudge

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Well it seems a woodpecker has decided to leave his mark on my house on a daily basis. Just so happens that it is right outside the room where the baby sleeps and my wife is having fits. Every time it is nap time the little bugger starts in on the house.


I live in a pretty residential area so blasting away at it would definitely draw attention.


Anybody have any way of getting rid of the bugger?

Well it seems a woodpecker has decided to leave his mark on my house on a daily basis. Just so happens that it is right outside the room where the baby sleeps and my wife is having fits. Every time it is nap time the little bugger starts in on the house.


I live in a pretty residential area so blasting away at it would definitely draw attention.


Anybody have any way of getting rid of the bugger?

He's pecking for bugs, so you might want to take a look at your house. Even if the 'pecker is gotten rid of, you may have a problem that needs the attention of an exterminator.


We had that problem, WE had wood bores, had to tent the house by an professional to get rid of the little buggers, ya can get a cheap stetha-scope and listen on the inside about where the bird is peckin, and if ya have bores ya can hear em snappin... they do a lota damge...


Looking at your title only I thought you meant something else. I was gonna say just think of




Rosie O Fatso




Janet Napolitano




The commercial says if it lasts longer than 4 hours, you are supposed to seek medical attention. B)


Seriously though, I'm with the other pards, you may have a problem bigger than just a woodpecker thumpin on your house. You can always try tacking up a sheet of tin over the area it is trying to get into, but that may just be a bandaid. You should probably check to make sure you ain't got woodpecker food in your siding.


If'n gettin' rid of the bugs don't keep'em away,


a pump-up pellet rifle is real quiet B)


I had a house I built in 1978 that had invert board and batten plywood siding. Bugs would be able to get in the voids of the plywood and the woodpecker from hell feasted on them. I was in the country so I grabbed my shotgun but everytime I got out the door he'd fly away. Eventually he got used to me and he stayed perched on the siding. Ok I've got holes in the siding already so best not to blast him next to the kitchen window.


Well one day I was in the kitchen when he started pecking. I grabbed a broom ( had no idea what I was attempting do) went out the door and the little bugger just stared at me as if to say " Oh! You again!" well I swung with the broom and actually killed the bugger.


The next thing I did was go all arond the house and filled every void with a dab of wood putty.Never had another pecker problem and put aluminum siding on a few years later.


We have a woodpecker and a sap sucker. One pounds on the house and the other is making swiss cheese out of our trees. The sap sucker has killed off all the ash trees we had and is now working on the birch and flowering crab trees. He takes off when I come out. I'm going to get that sucka. I filled up a bunch of holes the woodpecker put on the house. Could have had some bugs but I think he was looking for a place to nest. I'm gonna get him too. Good luck on yours.

Looking at your title only I thought you meant something else. I was gonna say just think of




Rosie O Fatso




Janet Napolitano





I hate fer Woody ta peck on it B)


I've got a blue bird that sits on my truck window ledge and looks at himself in the big mirrors. Then he craps down the side of the truck door. His days are numbered.


We've had a couple of instances over the years of woodpeckers hammering on the painted gutters and downspouts. Seems they liked the paint chips. When I was still working as a Corrections Officer in a Maximum Security Unit, we had a woodpecker that would go after the label on the big canvas boxing bag that hung in the rec yard.


Getting rid of a Woody?




All the ads say that if you have a woody for more than 4 hours, you should seek medical assistance. You're on the wrong forum...... B)




Buena suerte,



Had a wood pecker working over my house good too. (Not good when ya got a log cabin, doncha know...)


They are attracted to raw wood. I had some spots that neeede staining after a few years of not keeping up with my honey do list. Finally got the whole house stained- no more woodpeckers since then.


Also, read this:


Lethal Control

When several nonlethal control methods fail to deter nuisance woodpeckers, lethal control may be required as a last resort. Woodpeckers are classified as migratory nongame birds and are protected by the Federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act. A federal permit is required before any lethal control methods are employed. Penalties and fines are assessed to violators.



To request an application for a depredation permit, (a permit that allows you to kill a woodpecker due to property damage), call the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service - Migratory Bird Permit Office at 303-236-8171. The application may also be downloaded from their Web site at www.fws.gov/. Chose the "permits" section, select "migratory bird permits," and then chose "depredation" permit application form. This form must then be submitted in writing along with the application fee.



Additionally, you must obtain Form 37 and send it with your application. Form 37 can be acquired by calling the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Wildlife Services at 303-236-5810. You will need to explain the problem over the phone and they will then issue you a Form 37 which details the problem and includes their recommendations to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.



County and city ordinances should be consulted before lethal control is employed. Pest control contractors may be helpful in catching and destroying the woodpecker if you do not want to do it yourself.



A broom does sound easier, eh?



He's pecking for bugs, so you might want to take a look at your house. Even if the 'pecker is gotten rid of, you may have a problem that needs the attention of an exterminator.



I had a woodpecker pecking on galvanized flashing on the side of my house early in the mornings. I don't think he was after bugs. Saturday and Sunday were the only days I was still there to hear it, but it was really loud. When I would go out the door, he would fly away. I don't know what happened, but after about 3 weeks he gave up pecking through the metal.


First off, try to determine the type of woodpecker.... not all are protected migratory birds.


Second, be advised that they may not necessarily be "drilling for bugs!" I've had serious problems for years.... 'peckers literally pecking holes through the fascia boards to gain access to the attick and nest. That was bad... HORRIBLY bad! I woke one morning to the hammering or SIX of the boogers attacking at once!


But it got worse...


As bad as the 'peckers were... they got displaced by starlings. I don't think a nastier bird ever existed! They'd actually whoop up on the 'peckers and even kill 'em!


I finally built a blind in the bushes and bought the kid a pellet gun for Christmas... <_<


We had one banging on the metal furnace chimney every morning at day break. I would hit it using a BB gun however, it would keep coming back. Then one day the cat caught it....end of story.


Thanks for all the advice and knowledge. I am pretty sure that even though it isn't Spring yet, the little bugger is marking territory or trying to attract the ladies. I don't have wood siding on the house so the bug theory doesn't seem to fit.


The main problem is that with a two story house the pecker is peckin way up by the roof and I aint got a ladder that tall. Hangin soemthing up there could be an issue.


The wife goes outside and scares it enough to fly to a nearby tree then it comes right back when she goes back inside. It actually looked right in the bedroom window at one point and didn't seem to care that there was somebody on the other side. So now I have a peeping tom woodpecker.


My BB/Pellet gun went belly up one day when I was shootin at a spider in the garage (it was a BIG spider.....really) But the oldest boy has an airsoft gun that may just be enough of a deterant I think. At least until I can figure out if this is actualy a protected bird. If it aint......oh boy......he's a gonner.

At least until I can figure out if this is actualy a protected bird. If it aint......oh boy......he's a gonner.


Not if you shoot at it like you shoot at cowboy targets... <_<:lol:


Quit being a stranger. Come on out and shoot.


Heck all ya gotta do is go up there with a thick piece of rubber like a butt stock cover and glue it right where he is peckin,he will get tired of the recoil and you won't hear the peckin...That or hang a sign up there that says "I have a Headache!"




That's why I am gonna let my wife shoot at it. Puttin more holes in the house and being mocked by a bird aint on my list of fun things.


And I saw the stages for this month...Looks really cool. Now if the National Guard would just see fit to stop having drills on the second weekend of the month I would be right there!!!


Lookin good for February.


Be CAREFUL with BB or Pellet guns. Some jurisdictions consider shooting them inside municipal limits an act of urban terrorism or some such nonsense. The Airsoft gun might be your best answer.


ALSO check to make sure the Woody Woodpecker isn't protected. The same people who consider BB guns potential Al Queida tools feel birds that bang on the metal cap for my chmimnet need protection.


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