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A Snapshot of SASS 20 Years Ago

Marauder SASS #13056

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Thanks to Carlos Murphy SASS #873, we can all read a 20 year old copy of the SASS Chronicle.


It sure brings back memories of when I first read about SASS and then later had the opportunity to shoot and finally join.


There was that gamer that won Railhead!


And you can read a little coaching for getting better at the game.


SASS Chronicle - Nov 89


So, Thanks, Carlos!!



Is $249 a good deal for a Dillon 550???

I guess I better order QUICK!

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Very cool "time machine",.............is it just me, or did I see a lot of single holster rigs being worn in the '89 chronicle?

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Very cool "time machine",.............is it just me, or did I see a lot of single holster rigs being worn in the '89 chronicle?


And why shouldn't you? It wasn't until the mid-90s that two revolvers per stage became common. I joined SASS in 1991 and the first shoot I attended where you shot a second revolver was Comancheria Days in 1995 (the first one, BTW). We staged the revolver instead of carrying it in a holster.


Steeldust Dan

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Marauder and Carlos, WOW... thanks for the memories. Neat to see the wife and kid from when they were among the contenders! And lots of other faces from the past! Railhead was always a special match...

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Too Cool! Thanx!


The photos of Charlton Heston and Roy Rogers with the Coto Cowboy caused a catch in the breath.

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