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~Lakewood Marshals~


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Unless there is a drastic weather change, the Lakewood Marshals will be shootin' this Saturday, New Years Day.

Register at 9 shoot at 10. 5 stages. Bring your own vittles.

members $10

non-members $12

2011 memberships can be paid also.

Lakewood Marshals

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;) If'n the rain moves out early and I can get Chinaman up early enough (He's got his wheelguns fixed now), I'd sure like to be there. Is mudboots okay??? :FlagAm:
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Mattie Ross ............Kim Darby

"You are too old and fat to be jumping fences. "


Reuben J. 'Rooster' Cogburn

"Well, come see a fat old man some time! "


This old fat man will be there, just don't ask me to jump any fences....


Rev Willy Dunkum

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