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The prayers helped so very much.

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About 12 or so days ago I asked for prayers for my Dad and the rest of the family. My Mom was killed in a car accident on the 17th of this month.


I think it is important to let people know the outcome of their prayers if you can. So here is what God has done for us so far.


Mom was nothing if not concerned about her family. As such she had her funeral payed for and money sitting in an account with the funeral home for incidental expenses. After we sat down with the funeral home director and after all the bills are paid we were astonished, as was he, that after it was all said and done they owe us money. Mom used to say money doesn't fix everything, but not enough sure makes it harder.


The insurance company for the car (Farmers in this case) were very sympathetic and even though I was not mentioned anywhere on the policy they were more than happy to deal with me so that Dad did not have to worry over these things during this time. The agent and all the claims people have bent over backwards to be accomadating to us.


Mom had everything her and Dad owned placed in a living trust a few years back. The attorney is taking care of everything. More worry gone.


We had just shy of 400 people show up at the funeral. That was a wonderful testimony to Dad on how much his wife was loved and admired. People that had worked with Mom as far back as 1960 showed up to pay their respect. The recieving line at the end lasted longer than the service did.


One of Mom's things she enjoyed was my singing Beulah Land so I was determined to sing for her one last time. I had been miserable sick the week before and was so clogged and draining I could barely talk. I woke up Wednesday morning with my head free and clear. I even made it all the way through without breaking out in tears.


My son had preached the funeral message for his other Grandma and he preached the message for this Grandma as well. What a wonderful message it was. God was there and used him in a marvelous way. It is a good thing to leave a funeral feeling better than when you came.


Finally Dad is doing pretty well. My brother just texted me while I was typing this. We talked Dad into getting a cel phone so that while he is out and about at home he could get ahold of someone if he had to. Since Mom is gone now this makes us two brothers feel better I promise. Seems he is more interested in the camera on the phone than how you dial it. That is the Joe Dean I know and love.



So, was it conicidence that everything fell into place like this? Believe what you want but I know the Hand of God moving when it reaches out and touches me.


Keep ole Joe in your prayers still and I just want to thank you all. Your prayers made all the difference.


Thanks for the update, it is a blessing to see the results of fervent prayer. May God continue to keep his hand on your family!





We will continue to offer our prayers of comfort, strength and peace for your dad and your family. God Bless


Great to hear from you and a report on your Dad.

Parents are very special. Being a father and retired, I can see how my two daughters fuss

over my wife and myself. It is good to see that the seeds we planted long ago, are bearing such a beautiful fruit, our daughters' love. I suspect that your parents did the same thing. A caring family is worth more than riches in my book.


I will continue to pray for your Dad, and for peace and comfort to all of your family.

About 12 or so days ago I asked for prayers for my Dad and the rest of the family. My Mom was killed in a car accident on the 17th of this month.


I think it is important to let people know the outcome of their prayers if you can. So here is what God has done for us so far.


Mom was nothing if not concerned about her family. As such she had her funeral payed for and money sitting in an account with the funeral home for incidental expenses. After we sat down with the funeral home director and after all the bills are paid we were astonished, as was he, that after it was all said and done they owe us money. Mom used to say money doesn't fix everything, but not enough sure makes it harder.


The insurance company for the car (Farmers in this case) were very sympathetic and even though I was not mentioned anywhere on the policy they were more than happy to deal with me so that Dad did not have to worry over these things during this time. The agent and all the claims people have bent over backwards to be accomadating to us.


Mom had everything her and Dad owned placed in a living trust a few years back. The attorney is taking care of everything. More worry gone.


We had just shy of 400 people show up at the funeral. That was a wonderful testimony to Dad on how much his wife was loved and admired. People that had worked with Mom as far back as 1960 showed up to pay their respect. The recieving line at the end lasted longer than the service did.


One of Mom's things she enjoyed was my singing Beulah Land so I was determined to sing for her one last time. I had been miserable sick the week before and was so clogged and draining I could barely talk. I woke up Wednesday morning with my head free and clear. I even made it all the way through without breaking out in tears.


My son had preached the funeral message for his other Grandma and he preached the message for this Grandma as well. What a wonderful message it was. God was there and used him in a marvelous way. It is a good thing to leave a funeral feeling better than when you came.


Finally Dad is doing pretty well. My brother just texted me while I was typing this. We talked Dad into getting a cel phone so that while he is out and about at home he could get ahold of someone if he had to. Since Mom is gone now this makes us two brothers feel better I promise. Seems he is more interested in the camera on the phone than how you dial it. That is the Joe Dean I know and love.



So, was it conicidence that everything fell into place like this? Believe what you want but I know the Hand of God moving when it reaches out and touches me.


Keep ole Joe in your prayers still and I just want to thank you all. Your prayers made all the difference.



God blessed you for sure to see the silverlining.. hugs.. Deja


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