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Smokey Shayne

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Wife and I were in Wal Mart picking up a few things today. Both of us are feeling a lil under the weather so we were going to pick up some cold meds. Pulled the lil card off the shelf and stood in line, but couldnt buy the meds because neither of us happened to have our ID's with us. Maybe they should punish the crackheads a lil harder instead of constant slaps on the wrist. Either of us can normally purchase alcohol, tobacco products, ammo or even 10 lb jugs of gunpowder without showing an ID....but no cold meds. Really frustrating, another example of the law abiding citizens being punished in an effort to stop the criminals. But, as with gun control, only the law abiding citizens are the ones who are inconvenienced. The criminals always have was around their situations

Wife and I were in Wal Mart picking up a few things today. Both of us are feeling a lil under the weather so we were going to pick up some cold meds. Pulled the lil card off the shelf and stood in line, but couldnt buy the meds because neither of us happened to have our ID's with us. Maybe they should punish the crackheads a lil harder instead of constant slaps on the wrist. Either of us can normally purchase alcohol, tobacco products, ammo or even 10 lb jugs of gunpowder without showing an ID....but no cold meds. Really frustrating, another example of the law abiding citizens being punished in an effort to stop the criminals. But, as with gun control, only the law abiding citizens are the ones who are inconvenienced. The criminals always have was around their situations

It is pseudoephedrine is what my sister told me. I guess the drug is used in making crack or meth.. what do I know anyhow? But yeah, they have a list you have to be on so they can make sure you dont' buy tooooooo much.. lol.. I agree, we end up punishing the good people with this stuff..


Yup Shane, welcome to the modern world.


I'm a pharmacist. I know what you mean. You can buy phenylephrine decongestants OTC as always, it's the ones with stuff they cook meth with that are controlled (pseudoephedrine and ephedrine). Hah. The "Combat Meth" regs from a few years ago do little if anything to combat meth (the druggies just carpool all over town and buy pseudoephedrine, I see it everyday). It's just usual "feel good" legislation. Until they put it on prescription (as it should be by modern criteria) all they (the DEA) have done is create another pain in the butt for consumers and pharmacies. Next time you're standing in line for your prescription behind several meth heads buying pseudoephedrine holding up the line with all the Fed paperwork, thank the good ole DEA. Don't blame the pharmacy. Believe me, we hate it more than you. We have a "no sell" list from the local PD, but that's a joke as well, no fault to the PD. They don't have the manpower or budgets to track everyone in town buying Sudafed to cook meth. The cooks hire too many people to buy the $%^ stuff for them to track them all. Sadly, it's gotten to the point that meth is about like alcohol. It's too widespread to effectively control. Prohibition didn't work either. If you figure out a good solution, let us know. :blush:




Capt James... I was not blaming the pharmacy at all. I completely understand where the regs are coming from. I am not very tolerant of drugheads at all, so this just makes it even more frustrating for me.


I remember how shocked I was when my kid needed some spray paint for a school project but couldn't buy it because she isn't over 18.

Turns out some idiots actually inhale spray paint. Unbelievable you have to be over 18 to buy paint!

I remember how shocked I was when my kid needed some spray paint for a school project but couldn't buy it because she isn't over 18.

Turns out some idiots actually inhale spray paint. Unbelievable you have to be over 18 to buy paint!


Inhalants (paint, paint thinner, airplane glue) etc. are possibly the most harmful things a body can do to themselves. Organic solvents basically dissolve your brain cells. And it's irreversible. But what do you do? :blush: It's not practical to outlaw everything that can harm us.


Another nasty one is actually canned air like you blow out your keyboard with. Kids have been found literally with the little tube up their nose dead as a mackerel , the stuff can kill almost insantaneously.


I dunno.




How about longer jail times, stiffer fines... maybe that would work instead of treating us all like criminals? Fewer ways out of a crime, could help a lot ..


I just tell them sell it or arrest me here's the money,i even jumped over the counter once,said should i wait for the PD?I waited none showed.If they arest me i want a jury trial of MY peers.Or i will stay in jail till i get one.I don't drink,sell drugs, take drugs,i'm just sick and they make me sicker.I also know the druggies just go to supplement stores and get the ingredience to make what they want,my uncle ran the stores.Just about anything you want at a supplement store,they buy it in bulk sell it to thier buddies and whoever else,can't trace it either.I have found out the last few years you have to act like an a$$ hole to get things done.So far so good i have done it about 8 times now!!!!!!! I am an American born and bred in a free a country as you can get,and i intend on kepping that way or die trying!


Let me tell y'all the 'war on drugs' isn't a war at all! It's, at best, a 'police action'. Sort of like Korea. Don't win, just keep the status quo. I spent a goodly portion as an assistant commander of a Narcotics Task Force and the sentences handed out by liberal judges is just plain dumb! Drug addiction is NOT a disease!! Its a bad habit. Cancer is a disease!!! Treat drug addicts as the criminals they are!!! Prison sentences THEN try to rehabilate!! But remember, you can't fix stupid!!!

Ok off my soap box.



How 'bout this idea: Make meth legal!


Let's face it, someone has to be pretty stupid to use meth. Meth kills. It kills quickly. Either the cooker's lab blows up and he dies a slow death from burns, or the user fries their brain within months and dies twitching on the floor.


Hopefully they die before reproducing, in which case, the gene pool has had a little meth-flavored chlorine added to clean it out.


You dont legalize shi& because it is the easy way out.Put them in jail for pot,meth or any other drug. and make sure they cant get it in jail.I feel sorry for the cops that have to raid the drug houses.They put them in jail and they are out before the cops can write the reports up.Put them in jail take away the tvs, the air and all of the weights, and all the law book and make them work all day.Make them pay for their keep.


Please don't get me started!


I was in Target yesterday to pick up Nyquil. As I was checking out the girl asked for my license. I hand it over expecting her to check my age or whatever. Before I know what's going on she scans it. I ask why she scanned it and what information the system was taking off my license. She had no idea. No one could tell me what info was taken, how long it was stored, or who had access to it. As they had already scanned it, I fianlly just left.


Considering going back over there when I feel better and going into the store without ID and with a $10 bill and trying to buy another bottle.


Been to the docs office yet,i went in and they took my picture like a mug shot,she knew i didn't apreciate it,103 and looked like crap and felt worse and that's where my wife works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My wife is not allowed to talk about things and she doesn't,i only know what i see when i go in.As it is i believe you can opt out on alot of crap for now or at least have them get permissin to do it.

Let me tell y'all the 'war on drugs' isn't a war at all! It's, at best, a 'police action'. Sort of like Korea. Don't win, just keep the status quo. I spent a goodly portion as an assistant commander of a Narcotics Task Force and the sentences handed out by liberal judges is just plain dumb! Drug addiction is NOT a disease!! Its a bad habit. Cancer is a disease!!! Treat drug addicts as the criminals they are!!! Prison sentences THEN try to rehabilate!! But remember, you can't fix stupid!!!

Ok off my soap box.




I agree with you 100% Tascosa


I had to go to Walgreen's today cuz I can't breathe through my nose. I asked the phamacist what to take. He says "you got a license?" Yeah, why? "you need one to get something that will work." He sold me Aleve cold and sinus. I have to take two to get it to work. He said yes, him too. I'll have to send my wife in cuz I can't buy any more for a while.



Publix, t'other day, to buy Robitussin. My daughter is buying the groceries, but I've already pulled out a ten to pay for the cough syrup. Cashier want's ID for the Robitussin. Huh? So I show her my license. Don't want mine, want's my daughter's. But I'm the one paying. If it'd been a bottle of wine, since the money came out of my pocket it'd be my ID she'd want to see. Don't understand why they wanted her ID. Don't understand why they wanted anybody's ID for it. Stupid.


Lets legalize drugs cause we can't control it? Ok lets legalize robbery and rape cause we can't control that either. Does that solve the problem? Mj is a gateway drug. I spent 17 of my 28 years in LE in a drug taskforce and I've personally seen young people start on 'harmless (?)" marajuana go to bigger and better drugs!!

Put drug users in jail and drug dealers in jail for a long time. And no time off for good behavior! If you can't be good in jail you shouldnt get out at all!!!!

Dont push me off my soap box Im a gettin' down... :rolleyes:


Lets legalize drugs cause we can't control it? Ok lets legalize robbery and rape cause we can't control that either. Does that solve the problem? Mj is a gateway drug. I spent 17 of my 28 years in LE in a drug taskforce and I've personally seen young people start on 'harmless (?)" marajuana go to bigger and better drugs!!

Put drug users in jail and drug dealers in jail for a long time. And no time off for good behavior! If you can't be good in jail you shouldnt get out at all!!!!

Dont push me off my soap box Im a gettin' down... :rolleyes:



Hedley Lamarr: Qualifications?

Applicant: Rape, murder, arson, and rape.

Hedley Lamarr: You said rape twice.

Applicant: I like rape.


The same argument can be made for alcohol leading to alcoholism. I don't advocate drugs, but I see MJ users arguments.


The news the other day had a story of kids who inhale nutmeg, so even if you make it legal they still do dumb things. Nutmeg can be bought all day by minors. They inhale it like cocaine and get high and sometimes sick(vomiting and such). By next year my wife won't be able to make a pumkin pie with out a prescription.

Lets legalize drugs cause we can't control it? Ok lets legalize robbery and rape cause we can't control that either. Does that solve the problem? Mj is a gateway drug. I spent 17 of my 28 years in LE in a drug taskforce and I've personally seen young people start on 'harmless (?)" marajuana go to bigger and better drugs!!

Put drug users in jail and drug dealers in jail for a long time. And no time off for good behavior! If you can't be good in jail you shouldnt get out at all!!!!

Dont push me off my soap box Im a gettin' down... :rolleyes:



Hate to tell you, tobacco is the #1 gateway drug, 1st sign of an addictive personality. And, it's legal. All the potheads I've every known never had a problem finding the crap, so we might as well tax it and regulate just like tobacco and alcohol. I know not all tobacco users are druggies, but 99% of all druggies are tobacco users. When I worked at the SO one of our customers (inmate) told me he made Meth by spraying Raid Ant and Roach spray through an electrified screen, all the powdery residue was good product. Face it, our society is screwed up and we can't make everything illegal. Stupid people do stupid shit and it's always been like that. The rest of us suffer due to actions of a few.




Just putting things in perspective:


The social and health costs to society of illicit drug use are pretty staggering according to one source. Drug-related illness, death, and crime cost the nation approximately $66.9 billion last year. Every man, woman, and child in America pays nearly $1,000 annually to cover the expense of unnecessary health care, extra law enforcement, auto accidents, crime, and lost productivity resulting from substance abuse.


During the same time frame, alcohol abuse cost the Nation $191.6 billion.


College kids aren't stupid. They'll wave these figures in your face...


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