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Well that was interesting

Grizzly Dave

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Haven't been feeling well for a couple of days, so went to the doc this morning....


Kind of half thought maybe I had walking pneumonia again....


wound up with an IV and a Nitro pill and carted down to the ER


Labs, xrays, and EKGs were all normal.


They figure it must just be stress or a virus or something. Been a bit stressed with company not paying us for the last month.


Anyhow, that's how I spent my day, hope you had more fun than I did.


Feeling better tonight.




I'm pragmatic Grizz but I do believe in in some old idioms.


Have had chronic sinusitis my whole life requiring at least four Rx for antibiotics a year ...or more. About two years ago I started drinking a mixture of apple juice and V8 Fusion pomegranate and blueberry/veggie juice every day. I think the key is additional Vitamin D which is important in maintaining the immune system. I'm a scientist by training and tend to be skeptical toward snake oil approaches. However, I've not had to take antibiotics in the two year time period.


So the old axion is true: An apple a day keeps the Sawbones away....if aimed well.


So, hang in there, heal up and hair over.

Haven't been feeling well for a couple of days, so went to the doc this morning....


Kind of half thought maybe I had walking pneumonia again....


wound up with an IV and a Nitro pill and carted down to the ER


Labs, xrays, and EKGs were all normal.


They figure it must just be stress or a virus or something. Been a bit stressed with company not paying us for the last month.


Anyhow, that's how I spent my day, hope you had more fun than I did.


Feeling better tonight.





I am so sorry you are not well and I wish I could be there to help ya.. When I was a kid I had a sinus problem, and then I had a pretty serious horse accident, big horse, fell on me.. end of story.. lol .. both kinda messed me up a bit. A broken pelvis in not great news for a girl, and it results in a bit of unfortunate new in your life. However I will say the sinus news was painful too. And the surgery was even more so since no one knew that I would react so badly to their drugs and to their putting me to sleep. So, I an understand and I am almost fearful to the point where I dont go in anymore.. lol.. They have tinkered enough.. and good living seems to work.. drugs do not. I hiope you are so much better, and that you little girl is there beside you tonight..


I am fine, no pneumonia, and ticker looks good from what they could tell.


I thought it might just be stress, but had to follow my own advice and go see the doc. Better safe than sorry, I've had a couple of friends that avoided docs and tests and such, and self diagnosed and wound up dead. I'd just as soon stick around a bit longer.


I can tell ya this though, nitro pills sure give ya a wicked headache!



I am fine, no pneumonia, and ticker looks good from what they could tell.


I thought it might just be stress, but had to follow my own advice and go see the doc. Better safe than sorry, I've had a couple of friends that avoided docs and tests and such, and self diagnosed and wound up dead. I'd just as soon stick around a bit longer.


I can tell ya this though, nitro pills sure give ya a wicked headache!





Grizzes I admit I am one of those.. lol. I do not like to admit to a weakness at all. Kinda like love, or passion, or sickness, or need,. I just hate to admit I am human I guess. So I do not go in.. lol. And I SELF doctor... Tonight I was at 156 over 96 and suddenly I went to 97 over 65.. lol.. too much sugar again today.. happy holidays is all I can say.. lol.. It make me close to dizzy... but only close.. lol Next week I have a meeting schedules with Bally's.. lol.. man I hope that helps .. lol. I have to say I do feel just ine in spite of it all.. lol. Gosh, I hope they dont mind thaT i DO NOT dress up for the gym? lol


Grizzly . . . sed . . . . "Been a bit stressed with company not paying us for the last month."



I hope that you are you considering options ? . . .



. . . Like bailing out of there before it collapses ? . . . ?



. . . . any prospects of getting paid when you do go back ?


Wolfgang, yes, looking around. We'd expected to miss one paycheck and were somewhat prepared for it, musing another is a bit of a surprise. If we could get our customers to pay their bills we'd be fine.


enough talk about that, don't wanna think about it, time to go wrap some gifts.



I am fine, no pneumonia, and ticker looks good from what they could tell.


I thought it might just be stress, but had to follow my own advice and go see the doc. Better safe than sorry, I've had a couple of friends that avoided docs and tests and such, and self diagnosed and wound up dead. I'd just as soon stick around a bit longer.


I can tell ya this though, nitro pills sure give ya a wicked headache!





Not bein' a Sawbones and not knowin' dis medical stuff, I had da same as you did. Found out it was a heart diease thingy.

And dey put a stint in my ole ticker. And all is well. But them nitro pills dat come in da little sliver can go give ya one more headache, dats fer sure! :blush:


Just rear back, and take it easier, ya hear !!?? :FlagAm:


Just a quick follow up for you all. I went in for the treadmill stress test today and it didn't show any problems other than my oxygen dipping low. May wind up with more tests to figure that out after my primary doc gets the results.


Haven't had a work out like that in years. As bad of shape as I am in was worried that I couldn't go long enough or hard enough to give them a good idea, but I got well above the target heart rate they wanted so I guess I did good.




Glad things are looking OK.

And you was right to go in.


There are a lot of folks that have mild heart attacks and don't even realize it.

That is until the big one comes.


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