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Enola Gay

Red Logan #12252

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Go to full screen click the left arrow and drag all the way over to the side of the screen then spin like crazy :FlagAm::D


Had the honor of meeting General Tibbitts a few years ago. Our greatest generation




There is a woman in our community, Sulphur Springs Texas, who's real name is Enola Gay.

She is a DJ for our local radio station. Yes, her parents named her after the airplane.


No The second bomb was dropped by Bock's Car I've seen Box Car at the Airforce Museum in Dayton and was privelaged to shake Mr. Tibbits hand and thank him for his service about two years before he died.




I worked with a fellow at the US Dept. of Energy (we both started at the AEC before it became the DOE) who got a complete tour of the Enola Gay when it was being refurbshed at the Smithsonian's Suitland, MD complex. He was delivering a box of original bomb cover screws that had been refurbshed at Sandia Labs after they scratched them up while dismantling a Fat Man intended for display. I guess they never heard of Brownells screwdrivers. Anyhow, the Smithsonian really got annoyed with Sandia for their careless handling of the bomb.


He said the tour was fascinating, especially the 1940's technology. He was a retired nuclear sub reactor operator.


Well, my oldest is 16 and my youngest 13, so hopefully it will be quite some time before I can ask grandkids any questions. I can say with confidence they both know about the Enola Gay, and both have seen Bockscar a number of times at the Air Force Museum.


I never got to meet General Tibbetts myself, but my wife got to hear him speak and he was a regular at the VA clinic one of my good friends from my National Guard unit works at.


I've seen Bock's Car and Enola Gay several times each, and my dad has a book, Return of the Enola Gay, autographed by Colonel Tibbits and Dutch Van Kirk, the navigator. He had the privilege of meeting both at a veterans' conference.


He also has the book, Enola Gay, by Gordon Thomas and Max Morgan Witts. From Colonel Tibbits own account, this book was the most accurate telling of all sides of the atomic bomb. The authors interviewed many Americans and Japanese and paint a fascinating picture of what went into the mission.


My grandfather was a Marine photographer and was assigned to document the tests of those bombs before they were dropped. I used to have one of the pictures he took. In it it shows the mushroom cloud standing a little over a foot tall in the picture, surrounding it are dozens of battleships the longest looking to be about a inch long. Those were some kind of big.




I think you are talking about the operation crossroads that took place after ww2


Operation Crossroads


Only 3 bombs were made prior to end of ww2

Trinity, hiroshima, nagasaki.

Operations crossroads were bombs 4 and 5 were detonated in the summer of 1946



As for the plane that bombed nagasaki according to a view of the nose art it was Bockscar



I think you are talking about the operation crossroads that took place after ww2


Operation Crossroads


Only 3 bombs were made prior to end of ww2

Trinity, hiroshima, nagasaki.

Operations crossroads were bombs 4 and 5 were detonated in the summer of 1946



As for the plane that bombed nagasaki according to a view of the nose art it was Bockscar


You may be right, it's been a while since he told me. I didn't know about Operation Crossroads thanks for the link.


If memory serves, the Enola Gay was named for Tibbits' mother in law. Somewhere I remember an interview or something of that nature where the Colonel said that on the flight, the thought crossed his mind that Enola spelled backward came out ALONE. He said the irony was........


If you want to see a classic example of an attempt at history being re-written, google "1995 Enola Gay controversy". I was amazed!! :blush: Also check out Martin Harwit. :FlagAm:


Thanks Hacker, My mistake on the mother thing.


One less than amusing thing that I have encountered is that the japanese appear to believe that the war began in August 1945 and ended shortly there after.

Their government lied to the citizens throughout the war. The loss of the 4 carriers at the Battle of Midway was concealed from them for most of the war.

The death of Adm Isoroku Yamamoto was concealed and then finally admitted and buried with honor.


They hardly knew about Pearl Harbor.


Our history books since the libs rewrote them appear not to be helping this.


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