Dusty Chaps, SASS #5925 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I saw on another gun forum that if you are already an NRA Lifer, you can "sponsor" a new Life Member who only has to pay $300. But you can only extend the offer to 20 people. So... Is this true? If so, I wanna sign up to be a Lifer but need a sponsor. I think the new guy/gal can call NRA and pay them, but they need a Lifer's membership number. So, what's the dope on this?
Grouchy Spike Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 The offer I received invites relatives and family members to become members for a reduced annual fee of $19, and invites family members to join as life members for $300.
John Boy Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Dusty and any other SASS member that needs a Sponsor, your welcome to use me: John R Corney Life Member 19297795 Elected 06/14/1977
Hellfire # 35333L Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I'm a life member also, and anyone can use me as a member. My wallet is no handy but I can give you a # if you need it. I've never heard of this program.......Also a NRA Recruiter and have no info at all on it. Hellfire
John Boy Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I've never heard of this program....... Hellfire, can't understand why the NRA hasn't promoted this promotion more. They started it back in the Spring of 2009. Each year they run it again with a promotion expiration date, which I'm not familiar with for this year FWIW ... My Life Membership back then cost $100 in 4 installments if you wanted to pay it that way Dusty - the NRA Life Membership would be a worth while Important Topic Sticky. OK to use mine and am sure others would post theirs
Hellfire # 35333L Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I must live a sheltered life as I have never heard of this program. There isn't anything on the NRA Website either. I don't know what mine cost as the military paid for it when I got on the rifle team in 1965. Without it we could not compete at Camp Perry. Why they purchased a life membership I'll never know.... Hellfire
Tom Muley Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Now, if we can get SASS to.................try to beat that offer.
Frontier Lone Rider Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Now, if we can get SASS to.................try to beat that offer. Here is one retired pard that would jump right on that in a heart beat. Lone Rider
Snakebite Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I have mixed feelings about a life membership in the NRA... I don't have one... not because I can't afford it, but because nothing gets the attention of an organization more than the need to keep people renewing thier membership. NOTHING! Once you buy a life membeship, then you are no longer paying dues, and it is the yearly influx of dues that provide the biggest source of funds. So..... life membership is not all that it is trumped up to be. Even in SASS, I bought a Life membership a long time ago, and payed the full price. But it is required if you are to be a TG. If eveyone were to buy a life membership, there would be a rush of income, and then there would be NONE.... and operations would most likely shut down for lack of operating revenue. JMO Snakebite
Grouchy Spike Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Snakebite sez it right about life memberships and the effect on annual revenue. Maybe that's why the NRA has limited this promotion, as a compromise between recurring revenue and a limited infusion of non-recurring revenue. This promotion also offered Life Members an opportunity to become Endowment Memberships for $250. These are certainly extraordinary opportunities.
Pitmaster, SASS #78461 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I'm not a life member yet, haven't quite been able to outlay the cash. The advantage to being a life member is the swag you can buy.
Noah Cash Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I became a lifer bout 30 years ago, and 2 or 3 years ago they came up wth the option to upgrade to Endowment for $300.00, so I did that too. Now I have an offer to become Benefactor for, yup, another $300.00. They will come up with different ways to entice you into giving them more $$. Don't know if I will do the Benefactor thing or not. I STRONGLY support the NRA but in reality what does the upgraded member ship do for me? A different sticker to put on my reloading cabinet? ( Don't recommend pasting those to your car or truck, as they draw attention to the fact that you may have guns inside ripe for the taking). I wish all gun owners at least supported the NRA but lets face it, that is a pipe dream. Anyone who wants to use my info is welcome to as well. I'd be more than happy to provide any needed info.
Elfego, SASS #50493 Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Better to sign up a 'buddy' then to upgrade your life membership! When i first joined the NRA i could become a lifer for $100. I 'waited' until it was $200 before i signed up. Since then i signed up my son($200) and daughter($300) for life memberships. I think the NRA is ahead! Are life insurance companies making $$$$? Elfego
johny two horse Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I have a copy of the upgrade offer in my hand. It will allow my wife to upgrade her annual membership to life for $600. I can upgrade from endowment to patron for $300 and include any FAMILY member for $300 (lifetime) which would include my wife. I do not agree with the idea that becoming a life member ends the cash flow, I have been upgrading and making donations for the past 44 years. I don't upgrade because it's a good deal, I do it because it's a good cause. J2H
Tangent Ranger Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 I did the life memberships for all three of my children, because it was the only way I could afford to do it. I would probably do it for them with SASS if they would ever offered it.
John Boy Posted December 16, 2010 Posted December 16, 2010 Once you buy a life membership, then you are no longer paying dues, and it is the yearly influx of dues that provide the biggest source of funds. Snakebite, up until I retired with nice W-2 wages, nearly every year I paid my annual membership dues. I sent NRA-ILA a nice check. In 2007, no monies went to Chris Cox even though I retired in 2001. Why? Cause he and his staff totally dropped the ball respective to the implications of the OSHA Regulation Proposal on Explosives. Then when I sent him an email notifying him about it, plus post the same on the NRA Blog that was deleted ... that there were many of us starting a grass roots effort to stop the OSHA Proposal. He responded to me and lied but he immediately put a post on the NRA Blog that the NRA had a handle on the tea cup. There were over 5,000 Federal Register grass roots responses to OSHA stating why it should not become law. And the OSHA Proposal died with the help of many sportsmen politicians that September, never to be heard about since. Then I started to get soft in 2009 and started sending Chris a nice check out of my retirement resources again. Cause there are too many other firearm's issues to be dealt with and the NRA is on top of these, plus lawyers and political consultants ain't cheap. So, if other Life or Endowment or Benefactor Members did the same - the NRA would still have a better annual revenue stream ... It's the NRA-ILA! Okie Dookie Gents? FYI, I'm still scratching my head why the NRA sent me a 2011 Membership decal asking me to be an annual Member Nice decal though that I put up in the reloading room
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