Utah Bob #35998 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Howdy Saloonaties, This is Bob's wife, Carol. He wanted me to let you all know he is resting grumpily in the friendly confines of Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez. The sawbones are poking him and testing his patience. They have given up testing his IQ. They had him in to have his cat scanned Thursday and checked him into the luxury suite Friday. Hopefully he'll be out by mid-week or so, but it depends on how things go. He is most irritated because he hasn't done his xmas shopping yet. He has also requested that no gory details of his condition be released due to matters of national security. Ha Ha. He wishes all of his friends here a most Joyous Christmas. He may write a pome if they take the tube out of his nose. Hopes to be back in the saloon very soon. UPDATE 12/23 Howdy, This is Carol again. I just saw the edit button. UB is home today and feels much better. I'm sure he will feel like posting again soon. Thank you everyone for your good wishes and Merry Christmas!
Grizzly Dave Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Thanks for the update, we kinda got the idea that something was going on, but Bob was being vague about it, now that we know it's a national security thing, it all makes sense Prayers up for healing for Bob, wisdom for the doctors, and patience for the nurses. Grizz
Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Get well quick, Bob. We need some pomes.
Hardpan Curmudgeon SASS #8967 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Now, ain't that just like UB to grit his teeth and send good wishes to the denizens of the Saloon~! Carol, be sure to give 'im our best and let 'im know that he has lots of good thoughts and prayers sent his way... And we'll include a few words for the nurses in those prayers~!
Honest John Sparks Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Utah Bob, get better soon!!!!!!! I am mostly a lurker here but did shoot a Revenge match where he shot.He is lots of fun to be around. I hope that his situation regarding National Securty isn't also the reason we do not have any snow here in southwest Colorado. If this is the case I may have to journey to Cortez and spring him from that institution and get this resolved. Take care and get better soon!
Muleshoe Bill SASS #67022 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Well, this certainly explains the Blaock helicopters I saw flying over UB home last week. At first I just figured they were lost, but now, well, I can say, GET WELL BOB!
Okie Sawbones, SASS #77381 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 We all like to poke UB because he can take as good as he gives, but I sure am sorry to hear he is in the vet hospital. Hoof and mouth disease? Get better, pard. We are all pulling for you.
Bama Red Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 U.B. - Been away awhile my ownself. Sorry to hear that you're ailing. Now quit harassing the nurses and get back here where ya belong. Don'cha know them hospitals is full o' sick folks? Ya might catch a cold or sumpin'!! Oh, yeah - prayers up for quick healing and a very rapid recovery!
Whiney Henry Yoho SASS #19832 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Prayers for a speedy recovery Uncle Bob !!! Wimpy
Deja Vous Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Howdy Saloonaties, This is Bob's wife, Carol. He wanted me to let you all know he is resting grumpily in the friendly confines of Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez. The sawbones are poking him and testing his patience. They have given up testing his IQ. They had him in to have his cat scanned Thursday and checked him into the luxury suite Friday. Hopefully he'll be out by mid-week or so, but it depends on how things go. He is most irritated because he hasn't done his xmas shopping yet. He has also requested that no gory details of his condition be released due to matters of national security. Ha Ha. He wishes all of his friends here a most Joyous Christmas. He may write a pome if they take the tube out of his nose. Hopes to be back in the saloon very soon. Carol, you don't know me.. but I have had a lot of fun teasing your husband on this wire.. he is the kindest man, and I have really enjoyed his humor, his poems, and his wisdom. What I like a lot about Utahs is his sense of family, and sticking it out like the Cowboys did with their families and their jobs and lives.. Carol, you are a lucky woman with Utahs, but I have to say from your post he is a lucky man with you too!!! You are there beside him when he needs you, and you are on here talking to us with a sense of humor, and love in your heart for a man I call Utahs. I love Utahs, cuz he loves you .... and his family and the code of the west... I pray for him and for you.. but that is all I can do.. you seem to have the loving him all you can, and being there cuz you love him.. down really well... I totally love Ms. Utahs now.. thanks so much.. I dont' always get to see the women behind the men on this board, but often I think they are perfect in my minds heart.. like you are... Hugs.. Deja..
Tex Jones, SASS 2263 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 All the best bob. Waiting for your return. Tex
Marshal Mo Hare, SASS #45984 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Tell him the saloon is going to hell in a handbasket without him, he'd better get back here and straighten it all out.
Yukon Charley, SASS Life #14739 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Yeah, get better UB!!! You're the ONLY voice of reason here in the Saloon!!!!
BlackhawkPaul Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Best wishes/prayers for speedy recovery! BlackhawkPaul
Irish Tom Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 My best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hope he gets well soon enough to finish that Christmas list. Merry Christmas to you both. I will keep you and Bob in my thoughts and prayers. Irish Tom
Titus A. Gnatsass, SASS #71705 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 OK UB, sounds like yer gonna have all kindsa time on yer hands, what with the layin around the hospital and all. So there is gonna be a whole posse of Wire pards expectin the BEST EVER Christmas pome this year. Maybe even another one about yer hospital escapades thrown in for good measure. So leave the nurses alone and git busy on them pomes! Seriously though, hope all goes well. Fannie Kicker and I gots ya in our prayers! p.s. Carol, thanks for the info and keep us informed. I'm sure ya know it but we kinda like havin ole Bob around this here Saloon and Wire.
Smoken D Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 I sure hope them nurses have enough security clearance ta go where no one should go with Utah We'll be a prayen fer them nurses-doctors and especially fer Utah!
Badger Mountain Charlie SASS #43172 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Hey Bob, hurry up and get out of there. We need you in the Saloon. Just yesterday, while nobody was watching him, Grizz broke the tap on the beer keg. Now we are down to drinking the 20 year old hard stuff. The guys up in Montana want to have a snow ball fight and the guys out here are all swiming in the streets. Looks like the street scene from Open Range where the building fell down. It is a zoo in here. We miss you Pard.
Hawkshaw Fred SASS #36811 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Utah Bob MARRIED??? WOW You mustbe a true Saint to put up with him all this time!! Seriously Bob is a dear dear friend and as the founder of BOLD he did us a great favor. Bob is a fun shooter and I was veryhappy to have him posse with me in Cortez last year. Tell him to GEt Well Soon and all the best from us cowboys in Texas!
JD Trampas, SASS # 55781 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Thanks for the update, prayers are up for a speedy recovery All for now JD Trampas
Doc Cherokee, SASS#48332 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Thanks for the update, and hang in there UB..Here's to a full and speedy recovery!
Guest Henry Horns SASS #19579L Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 You just give the word U.B. and we'll send Cavalry & stuff. Get better soon, Pard. Prayers up. Henry & Hazel
Blackwater 53393 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 UTAH BOB!! GET WELL QUICK!!! Schoolmarm and I Will keep you in our prayers.
Carolina Cowboy Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Hope you get well soon Utah Bob, is not as lively in the Saloon without you
Gunner Gatlin, SASS 10274L Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Geez UB - get you arse back in the saddle for cry eye!! Heard you were at McDonalds - if you can be there , you can be here!! Wishin' the best for ya! GG ~
Runamuck, SASS #49216L Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Utah Bob wishing you the speediest recovery!!
theywalkamongus Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Tell Bob that I don't have any cats but I know I can scout out some if he needs to get some more of them scanned. GET WELL SON.
Guest EL NEGRO GATO #8178 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Bob, get well soon and stop harassing the nurses Happy Holidays ENG
LawMan Mark, SASS #57095L Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 UB! Come back, UB! And if you see a long tunnel, stay away from the light! Seriously dude...get well soon!
Badlands Bob #61228 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 I told him and told him to stay out of them kind of places. And now look, he's done gone and caught something. Hopefully they have drugs for whatever you picked up. Get well soon.
Ellie Mae Mohr Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Thanks for the update Miz Carol and tell your hubby that we hope he gets over what's ailin' him real quick. You'll both be in my thoughts & prayers.
Long Branch Louie Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Get well soon, Bob, I get more response from you when I run down Ford diesels than anybody else. Sides, hospital ain't no place ta spend Christmas. Remember, tha nurses ain't part of tha treatment plan
Big Sage, SASS #49891 Life Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Ol Ub is in the hosp about 5 miles away from me. But I'll respect his privacy and stay away He's keeping his malady under one of his many hats. Get well soon Bob and especially since Christams is soon to be here.
Wolf Wind-Walker #36748 Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Don't frequent the Saloon so this is a surprise to me............... Jewel & I sending prayers Bob's way for a speedy recovery.............. Gotta leave the Saloon now......my wife won't let me stay.................say's I get in to much trouble........ Regards......Wolf
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