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Pit Bull Tex

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Pit Bull you did a good job of timing your first time out. I have been doing this a couple of years and still make mistakes but that is how we learn. You had more coaching your first time timing than I did. I have also read the RO1 and RO2 manual more than once.

We love your excitment about this game and hope it rubs off on others. By the way you can time for me anytime.


Your Pard

Texas Gator


Thanks Gator. Guess I will see you two at Lake Charles saterday.


Guess this is over, thanks for the support of some and the comments for others.This is a game I wish I had started 20 years ago.I have never talked to so many people that I like to be around as I have in the few short months that I have been it this,both on the wire and in person. I pray that God will bless each and everyone and their families that are on this wire.I hope to posse up with some of you sometime.

To add my experience and two cents: I completed the RO1/RO2 courses on Friday. I shot Saturday and ran the timer for my posse for the first time much of the day. I did reasonably well, except for one significant lapse. I lost count of (or maybe never even started to count) the the rounds fired during the rifle string for one shooter.

Howdy Long Juan, it is the spotters responsibilty to count shots. The TO should count shots if possible, however they can often get distracted during the stage with a jamb or keeping the shooter on track, the spotters are the ones that should holler "ONE MORE" if the TO misses it. Before each match I always try to remind folks that the spotters need to count shots fired. Good Luck


RO I page 8

G) The Timer Operator should not count misses, but watches the shooter for unsafe acts, correct target engagement, and stage procedures in addition to counting shots fired if possible.

RO I page 9 Spotters

:D Have the responsibility to count shots and misses and to verify the targets were engaged in the correct order for the required number of shots




Pit Bull,


keep the faith and don't let some of this guys get to you, thats all some can do is stir the s--- .We're all here to have fun and learn,if we knew it all and did everthing right why are we here.



That was my first time and first shooter and I has fun doing it.I did a few more. I am learning from some really good people .


Well, the only advice I can add to what some other pards have said it to be picky about who you run the timer for. I'd advise you to NOT run the timer for someone who is a "known" grouch and complains about everything. Run it for the shooters who are there to have fun and won't get bent out of shape if someone makes a simple mistake. Wouldn't bother me any pard.

Happy Trails


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