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The DecemberIssue of Frontier Tales is online now

Durango Duke

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Howdy! How's about some more tasty teasers?


Dowland was a man at war. Unfortunately, the war he wants to fight is over. Now he has to find a different battle in The Driving Flame by Greg Camp.


Did you ever wonder if Evil and Goodness can exist in the same place at the same time? Check out In Concert by Al Carty to find the answer.


Can the children save the posse from a wild goose chase when a slave runs away? Read We Won't Tell. Ever. by Ellen Gray Massey.


And be sure to vote for your favorite story of the month. November's winner was Ellen Gray Massey for her story "The Hog Lot Shooting." Congratulations, Ellen!


Keep writing, y'all!




Durango Duke

aka Duke Pennell, Editor

Frontier Tales



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