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Math final


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Hey Y'all,

I am struggling in my college math class, Algebra but I have worked so hard... and I need prayer to pass. The final is Tue at 3 pm Dec 7th.




-Ima Darlin'


A tutor would not be a bad back up plan. Good Luck!!


Spend as much time as you can spare working the examples and redoing homework. Get the basics down pat and the rest will work out. Prayers Up for a successful outcome.


Dogmeat Dad


Howdy Ima,


BJT's advice is sound. Your school probably has a tutoring center and perhaps even a math lab. Generally, those services are paid for by your student fees so you may be able to access them without charge. Even if there is a slight charge for a tutor, learning algebra is an essential general education requirement that you'll use over and over in the stats and research activities that will be coming up.


BTW, some folks think that there is somethin' wrong with themselves if they need a tutor to understand somethin' that is new to 'em. Well, think about this: how do you think folks get better at this shootin' game of ours? You can bet that much of a person's improvement in our SASS/CAS deal is the direct result of -- yep, you guessed it: Tutoring! :blink:


Best of luck!


Just rember this and you will do fine.


Q: How many mathematicians does it take to replace a lightbulb?

A: Ten: One to do it and eight to watch.


Q: "How many seconds are there in a year?"

A: "Twelve; January second, February second, March second, ..."


97.3% of all statistics are made up.


There are three kinds of mathematicians: those who can count and those who cannot.


1960's Arithmetic test:

"A logger cuts and sells a truck load of lumber for $100. His cost of production is four-fiths of that amount.

What is his profit?"


70's New Math test:

"A logger exchanges a set (L) of lumber for a set (M) of money. The cardinality of set M is 100. The set C of production costs contains 20 fewer points.

What is the cardinality of set P of profits?"


80's education reform version:

"A logger cuts and sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost is $80, and his profit is $20.

Find and circle the number 20."


90's version:

"An unenlightened logger cuts down a beautiful stand of 100 old growth trees in order to make a $20 profit.

Write an essay explaining how you feel about this as a way of making money.

Topic for discussion: How did the forest birds and squirrels feel?"


Roy :blink:


All joking aside just have faith in yourself and you will be fine. As an engineer I struggled with math at an early age then one day it hit me and I saw the light. Remember the basic formulas, if you get stuck on a problem move on the next one and come back later. Let us know how you do, OK?




A pleasure to pray for you today!




May the good Lord allow you to keep a clear mind & focus on your math.



Thank you all for you're help, encouragement, laughs, and prayers! I'll let y'all know how I do, Tue!


I can't say thanks enough............


I know how you feel.... I took my MATH part for my education entrance to the teaching department ike 11 times before i passed it. I had all the help and still did not pass.. always just a couple of point away.... BUT I stayed with it and passed. Hang in there and stay positive. I take my last final next week before i student teach... cant wait


prayer and this thought. convert every problem into a CAS match problem. If my father reloads 500 bullets in an hour, what fraction (per minute) does it take. If there are 40 shooters at a match, and 6 per posse, how many posses and what percentage are shooting traditional. what time will we be done if each takes an average of 32 seconds.

what percentage will have a procedural?


Prayers up for success in your Math Final.


S. Cain


This proves that as long as there are Math finals, there will always be prayer in schools.




+1 on what Dogmeat said.


When I was taking Algebra I had a much wiser man tell me the only way to master algebra is to practice.


Not like we practice for shoots, really practice.


I tell my students to study their old tests an spend more time on the topics that caused them trouble on those tests.

Practice some on all the topics, but concentrate on the problem areas.

Before the final exam, get a good night's rest, and be sure to eat a good breakfast - protein, not honey buns!

The good night's rest allows your brain to organize what you have studied, so it is easier to retrieve, and that protein will give you energy.


let us know how you do (I just took a break from working on a Pre-calc final exam I'm giving next week, and saw your post)


Big Boyd

(another Jawjah resident)


"As long as teachers give tests, there will be prayer in the classroom".


Been there, done that. If I got through calculus, you can get through algebra! (I had to repeat trig 3 times to get through it). Just remember they are "equations": One side must equal the other! What you do to one, you must do to the other.


Good luck--best advice is to get lots of rest and don't overload the carbs (but keep the fats down also)..


What about a study group? Some of your classmates may be having the same anxiety. Some of your weaknesses may be another's strong area. BEST OF LUCK!




The one good thing about math is that it hasn't changed...ever. There will be no surprises on test day. If you know how to solve the problem the answer will be easy...just fill in the blanks. Good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you.




+1 on the math lab.........I needed it more than once myself......and best of all they are usually free, because the instructors are student volunteers......







We'll be praying 4U at this ranch. Good luck, and let us know how you do.


Hello Ima, will put up a prayer for you. I tell my nieces and nephews when it comes to algebra is to follow the rules. Different problems have different formulas and rules guiding them. Put your faith in your study and you'll do fine. Remember, "If you have the faith of a mustard seed" and they ain't very big.

Hey Y'all,

I am struggling in my college math class, Algebra but I have worked so hard... and I need prayer to pass. The final is Tue at 3 pm Dec 7th.




-Ima Darlin'





It could be a lot worse...I could be taking the test for you...

Hey Y'all,

I am struggling in my college math class, Algebra but I have worked so hard... and I need prayer to pass. The final is Tue at 3 pm Dec 7th.




-Ima Darlin'



Preperation is the key, trust yourself, relax and treat the test like a match, slow it down so you can see everything . prayers up . Dirt


I taught high school level math for a number of years. Have a degree in Mathematics.


I found that both when I was in college and when I was teaching that the best is to be sure to attend all the classes, pay attention and don't let yourself get behind. If you don't understand something ask questions until you do. Get help if you need it but be sure to keep up with the class and understand the material. It's easy to get to thinking the teacher/tutor or whoever will think you're stupid if you ask a lot of questions. But I can tell you as a teacher we respect the most those students who struggle with the material but ask a lot of questions.


I had a student who struggled in all her classes but was willing to ask a lot of questions. She finished all four years of high school math. She was astonished when I told her the night she graduated that she was the best student I had ever taught. She went to college and is now an RN.


When test time comes along it's not really necessary to study for the test. Just briefly review the material right before the test.


It just doesn't work with math to expect to be able to learn the material the day before the test.


Sage Creek Gus


By the way, I was not a good math student in high school. Got a D in Algebra I. Mainly because I was screwing around and not following the above.


Thanks y'all for all the best wishes, prayers, and encouragement. I need it. The exam is Tue at 3 and I will find out after the exam whether I pass or not.

Guest diablo slim shootist

remember tests are important-but knowledge is what we really seek!

in high school i could not even spell Trig-o-no-metry.Now i use it at work

all the time as a Tool Maker-"Go Figure" my teacher would be amazed! ;)

Good Luck i know you will do well! DiabloSlim


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