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Effective December 15 pards who don't want to get x-rayed and groped in airports can travel by train with their guns. I suppose these rules will apply to the general public as well. Have to be in a locked hardshell case and declared to the ticket / baggage agent.


Story here http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/87367/2010...rms-baggage.htm


USA Today had a write up about this in their usual fashion. The headline made it sound like it was gonna be like a train ride in the 1880's. They finally mentioned it had to be arranged in advance and declared and locked, as you say. Just another liberal headline grabber...



I guess the few times that I've ridden Amtak (or the Big Grey Dog bus) I've packed both in checked baggage and on my person.

I reckon it's okay now, for sure. :FlagAm:






The rule was so stupid that it begged for repeal. After all, how many times have you encountered anyone wanting to Highjack a train? I can see it now - on a train out of Peoria, Illinois- "This is a Highjack...Take this train to Havana, Cuba."


I supposed now that the dunderheads that made the law in the first place will ultimately require a cavity search of those who opt to take on a weapon...just in case. GRRRRR


STL Suomi


Few years ago looked at a group of NC Cowboys going to EOT on train. Thought it would be a fun trip. We had done groups on airlines, and it was very easy with the guns. I think having 20 or so check in at once smoothed the process. Then ran into the no guns Amtrak policy. Talked to some really nice Amtrak folks about how a govt/private system could have this as a policy. Their unoffical response was there was concern about theft from their baggage cars. To a man they referred me to their director. Really nice polite letter to him, no response.

The real kicker was, and still is, is the price and time.

From websites, posted prices not looking for special deals.

Train - Cheapest sleeping rooms. $1500 64 hours each way. Two changes with 4 & 9 hour layovers.

Plane - $360 7 hours

USA Today had a write up about this in their usual fashion. The headline made it sound like it was gonna be like a train ride in the 1880's. They finally mentioned it had to be arranged in advance and declared and locked, as you say. Just another liberal headline grabber...





"The change, which was enacted by Congress in Dec. 2009, " a liberal Congress & a liberal Pres. Rather than repeat the same old tired slogans, one might consider offering some positive reinforcement to encourage further behavior in the right direction.


Just a thought, compadre. :FlagAm:


Buena suerte,


USA Today had a write up about this in their usual fashion. The headline made it sound like it was gonna be like a train ride in the 1880's.


Saw that too. Well, the spin doctors have to have something to do.


All things considered, I'd feel much better being on a train or airplane where everyone was a CCW permit holder and was armed. Think about it - if you're a terrorist, which one are you going to try and hijack? The one full of disarmed sheep, or the one with the well-armed sheepdogs?

Train - Cheapest sleeping rooms. $1500 64 hours each way. Two changes with 4 & 9 hour layovers.

Plane - $360 7 hours

We sold our collective souls for cheap gas and cars and that is why we have no efficient and economical passenger rail in this country. :rolleyes: Now the worm has turned and we have AMTRAK.


I’m a RR enthusiast and often take photos of the Amtrak trains passing through the area and watch people getting onto and off of trains all the time. I’ve never once seen anyone with a wand and know there are no metal detectors. There’s nothing I can see that would stop you from packing concealed on a train.

We sold our collective souls for cheap gas and cars and that is why we have no efficient and economical passenger rail in this country. :blink: Now the worm has turned and we have AMTRAK.


It's been happening that way for 90 years Dusty. Started with the Pershing Map in 1921 that laid out the best routes for highways across the US, and really got going with Eisenhower's National Defense Highway Act of 1956. The entire interstate system was designed as military roads to facilitate troop movements. The fact that civillian commuters benefit from it was just a fortunate side effect. Funded and now subsidized by the federal government.


Post-war America headed for the suburbs, and "What's good for General Motors is good for America" was the mantra. It was also the jet age, and airplanes got faster and airports got bigger ... airports also partially funded and subsidized by the government.


Meanwhile, the railroads weren't helping. Ridership had been declining since the 1920's (the WWII spike notwithstanding), cars got decrepit, the stations got rundown, and the unions clung to work rules from the 1890's. The government pulled the mail contracts in the 60's, severley impacting revenue. The solution? In 1974 the Nixon administration created AmTrak. Originally an experiment that was to be defunded by '76, the subsidies never ended. More government money. See the pattern?


Here in Ohio they wanted to put in high speed rail from Cleveland to Cincinnatti. About a billion dollars of government (read that your tax dollars) money for a train that nobody was going to ride, would have an average speed of 45 MPH, and would cost in real dollars $250 per passenger ... about $1 per mile. Of course that ticket would have to be subsidized to make it affordable for the few people who would ride it. Gasoline would have to cost about $20 a gallon to make it attractive. Thankfully we have a new Governor who said it's a waste and pulled the plug on the project.


Riding the rails might work in Europe and countries that have no transportation infrastructure, but here it would require such a massive re-investment that it would bankrupt the country. Oh wait - we're already there.

Riding the rails might work in Europe and countries that have no transportation infrastructure, but here it would require such a massive re-investment that it would bankrupt the country. Oh wait - we're already there.

Might as well invest in more trains to give the coming explosion of homeless job seekers something to ride cross country on.

Saw that too. Well, the spin doctors have to have something to do.


All things considered, I'd feel much better being on a train or airplane where everyone was a CCW permit holder and was armed. Think about it - if you're a terrorist, which one are you going to try and hijack? The one full of disarmed sheep, or the one with the well-armed sheepdogs?


On a train, Hijacking isn't going to happen and I doubt a CCW holder would even notice the most likely scenario until it was to late.


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