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Have you ever had targets so big and close ....

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875

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With the majority of folks on here saying that BIG CLOSE targets are the way to go.


Have any of you ever been to a match that had targets so BIG and CLOSE that you were almost ashamed to say you shot such easy targets?


I'm thinking about a match that I shot once that had very BIG targets only about 3 to 4 FEET from the end of my pistol.


I don't remember hearing anyone complain about them being so close until they had to take their turn checking guns at the Unloading Table because there was so much splatter coming from the targets.


But hey, the times were great! :rolleyes:

I wouldn't say ashamed, because I'm not out there to prove to anybody else I can hit the targets. I would say it amounts to playing basketball with the hoop lowered to 5 feet, BORING!. Ok, we do that ONCE, now what's next? To shoot several stages with silly "in yer face" targets is kinda dumb, IMHO. ALTHOUGH, once in a while is ok, because it is in fact realistic. Shootouts involving multiple people taking place inside a room or a car (stagecoach?) have happened, so those kinda skills would be seen now and again. But to make that the stanrard for a match or most of a match is almost like the pistols are a "throwaway" to sheer functioning speed, and yer left with the rifle and shotgun as any kind of a SHOOTING challenge.

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Targets last longer if they are further away and there is less danger of splash back.

The difference in bullet velocity at 7 yards versus 15 yards has got to be insignificant, so how are the targets being damaged more at closer distances?

The difference in bullet velocity at 7 yards versus 15 yards has got to be insignificant, so how are the targets being damaged more at closer distances?


do your test with a bb gun, you can see the bounce back


7 yards aint big and close, they are settin em bout 5 yds in some cases


yes I have seen it, and measured it :rolleyes:

do your test with a bb gun, you can see the bounce back


7 yards aint big and close, they are settin em bout 5 yds in some cases


yes I have seen it, and measured it :rolleyes:


My comments related to target damage, not bounce back.


I don't say anything about how close they are anymore, cause I can miss em no matter how close they are. Learned that the hard way...........

My comments related to target damage, not bounce back.


bullet hardness could be an issue related to target damage? combined with close distance, combined with FPS, but I aint no engineer er nothin like that


there can be a lot of different aspects when we discuss close


first off

if the orginial posters' wood call out waTT they think is close

like her fellers, "24" x 24" target at 5 yards" then ask yer question???


just a silly idea fer the wire

With the majority of folks on here saying that BIG CLOSE targets are the way to go.

Have any of you ever been to a match that had targets so BIG and CLOSE that you were almost ashamed to say you shot such easy targets?

I'm thinking about a match that I shot once that had very BIG targets only about 3 to 4 FEET from the end of my pistol.

I don't remember hearing anyone complain about them being so close until they had to take their turn checking guns at the Unloading Table because there was so much splatter coming from the targets.

But hey, the times were great! :D

In this instance I forego readin' all the response so's I ain't influenced by what others have said; and, if I repeat what someone else said... hey great minds think alike!


Only when I've missed 'em! :FlagAm::FlagAm::FlagAm:

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
Paniolo Sweetie,


I sent you an email. If you don't get it, let me know and I will send it in a PM.




Allie Mo


Dearest Miss Allie,


Got it. And yes, I think you're right.


Hugs :FlagAm:





Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
In this instance I forego readin' all the response so's I ain't influenced by what others have said; and, if I repeat what someone else said... hey great minds think alike!


Only when I've missed 'em! :D:FlagAm::FlagAm:


I agree. If I missed big pistol targets set out at 3 to 4 FEET away, I'd be ashamed to say I missed them as well.


Fromthe OP, on those 3 particular stages almost everyone shot Clean. I don't remember anyone missing the pistol targets.


Like 95% of the people on here, I like big close targets. Just not ridiculously close targets. Personally, I like shooting anything. Big Close Small Far means nothing to me.


And just for the record, I don't think pistol targets set out to 5 to 7 yards is CLOSE. I've seen CLOSE and that ain't it. In fact that would be considered FAR for the stages that I'm talking about.


When I posted this Topic, I sort of expected people posting stories about stages where they could almost touch the target with the end of their pistol barrel.


It's obvious that no one out there has shot ridiculously close targets that were only FEET away except for me. Who would of thought that since all of the shooters on here shoot almost every weekend. It amazes me that I'd be the only one to experience such a thing.


Top Shooters are the only one's that have action jobs and short strokes? That's funny I just finished a short stroked 73 for a 70 year old guy. When he was leaving my house I did hearr him mumbling something about prize money, being a professional, and wanting a piece of me and Deuce. So maybe you are right. How's that for a win at all cost attitude? :D

With the majority of folks on here saying that BIG CLOSE targets are the way to go.


Have any of you ever been to a match that had targets so BIG and CLOSE that you were almost ashamed to say you shot such easy targets?


I'm thinking about a match that I shot once that had very BIG targets only about 3 to 4 FEET from the end of my pistol.


I don't remember hearing anyone complain about them being so close until they had to take their turn checking guns at the Unloading Table because there was so much splatter coming from the targets.


But hey, the times were great! :D


No, I've never been ashamed of shooting big, close targets...............missing the same big, close targets is another story.




It was embearising.


It didn't feel entitled to the score I received.

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
Top Shooters are the only one's that have action jobs and short strokes? That's funny I just finished a short stroked 73 for a 70 year old guy. When he was leaving my house I did hearr him mumbling something about prize money, being a professional, and wanting a piece of me and Deuce. So maybe you are right. How's that for a win at all cost attitude? :D


Good post. Very witty. But wrong topic!


You should cut and paste this funny reply on the other thread "Are we faster, or the same, From 1981 to 2010" where I asked Doc Shapiro if he thought the next step in the evolution of fast guns is some sort of professional ranking system.


And by the way, while you're there, read the whole thread to find out that if I was the first one to suggest that enhanced equipment was part of the reasonn that fast shooters are shooting faster.


In fact, I wasn't. I was only agreeing with others that that might be PART of the reason.


Heee Haaa NO :D I Never seen a target to big or to close that I couldn't miss :FlagAm:


Heee Haaa Crazy Mingo :FlagAm::FlagAm::FlagAm:

Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
Yes, and you can PM me if you want further explanation...





Thanks for your PM. I appreciate it very much.


Semper Fi pard!




Felt bad for shooting them No. Not went back because after a few times it was boring yes. A steady diet of 3 to 5 yard 20-24 inch pistol targets will build bad habits and when you go to a match that is 7 to 9 yards and 16-20 inch plates they look really small when there not. I don't understand why a match has to be all one or the other, why can't matches have both so everybody gets something set a 2 or 3 stages at 5 to 7 yards , and another 2 or3 at 7-9 yards so when shooters go to other matches they are prepared.

Black Tom

Good post. Very witty. But wrong topic!


You should cut and paste this funny reply on the other thread "Are we faster, or the same, From 1981 to 2010" where I asked Doc Shapiro if he thought the next step in the evolution of fast guns is some sort of professional ranking system.


And by the way, while you're there, read the whole thread to find out that if I was the first one to suggest that enhanced equipment was part of the reasonn that fast shooters are shooting faster.


In fact, I wasn't. I was only agreeing with others that that might be PART of the reason.




Your right all of these posts are running together. Maybe I should spend less time shooting and working on guns and post on the wire more. I'd learn a lot more about the sport that way. I'm not saying mods make people faster. I'm saying not only top shooters get mods done.


After reading both of your topics I'd say the best advice I can give you to relieve your aggravation with the way you feel the sport is going would be to get out and shoot more. Plus watch some old footage of old EOT's so you can then comment on the olden days. I'd say even back in 2002 for example. Then we can talk about the so called olden days. Of course all of this is going by your sass#. Maybe you've been shooting cas for 10 years and just joined. I hope that's the case. I hope you are not this upset about the state of our sport after a couple of years of shooting.

Good post. Very witty. But wrong topic!


You should cut and paste this funny reply on the other thread "Are we faster, or the same, From 1981 to 2010" where I asked Doc Shapiro if he thought the next step in the evolution of fast guns is some sort of professional ranking system.


And by the way, while you're there, read the whole thread to find out that if I was the first one to suggest that enhanced equipment was part of the reasonn that fast shooters are shooting faster.


In fact, I wasn't. I was only agreeing with others that that might be PART of the reason.


Making friends and influencing people...and why bring this dumb 3-4 feet target thing up AGAIN? You do remember you brought this up a long time ago...don'tcha???


Shoot more...wonder less!



Guest Paniolo Cowboy SASS #75875
Making friends and influencing people...and why bring this dumb 3-4 feet target thing up AGAIN? You do remember you brought this up a long time ago...don'tcha???


Shoot more...wonder less!




It's just a perfect example of targets that were crazy close. I was using it as an example to see if there were others who have seen such a thing also.


I don't see 5 yards as too close. When the pistol target is 1 or 2 yards away, I have a little problem with that.


As for making friends on here, it seems that I have a few good friends. I'm still getting PMs and email from some of them, and most ask the same question:


What is Phantom's problem? What has Phantom got against you?


So why don't you answer that here instead of a PM, here's a question for you. Since you obviously have some sort of personal beef with me, and you don't like me or the questions I ask or the topics that interest me about SASS, why are you always opening up the threads that you can plainly see are started by me?


What is your problem with ME asking questions about all sorts of different aspects of SASS?


I was told that some folks find my topics interesting, and I was told today that the questions at the start of this thread was "leading" as if I were insinuating something other than what I'm asking. Yet I can't make them anymore simple to understand.


A perfect example is my asking about whether or not Doc Shapiro thought some sort of Professional Status or Ranking System was where he thought that SASS was heading for in the future. Geese, it was a thread about how things have chaged and where they might be headed.


Yet right after I ask Doc that question, a bunch of guys jump on me as if I kicked the walker out from under their mothers! What the heck is that all about? It seems that you and a few others on here have a personal problem with me, yet you don't even know me other than on here with me trying to participate in the discussion.


I've tried talking to you with respect because you are considered one of the Top Shooters, a SASS Champion, but all I get from you in return is disrespect and you looking down your nose.


Well Pal, the last time I checked, you don't own this Wire. The last time I checked I didn't make my dues check out to you Phantom. And the last time I checked the Wire wasn't only for a select few like yourself who have nothing but sarcasim and wise remarks to make whenever someone asked something that doesn't pass your test.


You are supposedly one of the top Top Shooters in SASS. You're supposedly a Champion Shooter. Why don't you act like one and stop being so rude and hateful to other SASS members.


I am shocked that the SASS Moderators will tell other people to knock it off, yet let you be as obnoxious as you want.


If you don't like what I'm asking, leave it be and leave me alone! It's better than reading some nasty comment coming from your pi$$y attitude.


The nice thing that you might not have learned in your life is that people don't have to be friends wtih someone as hateful as you.



It's just a perfect example of targets that were crazy close. I was using it as an example to see if there were others who have seen such a thing also.


I don't see 5 yards as too close. When the pistol target is 1 or 2 yards away, I have a little problem with that.


As for making friends on here, it seems that I have a few good friends. I'm still getting PMs and email from some of them, and most ask the same question:


What is Phantom's problem? What has Phantom got against you?


So why don't you answer that here instead of a PM, here's a question for you. Since you obviously have some sort of personal beef with me, and you don't like me or the questions I ask or the topics that interest me about SASS, why are you always opening up the threads that you can plainly see are started by me?


What is your problem with ME asking questions about all sorts of different aspects of SASS?


I was told that some folks find my topics interesting, and I was told today that the questions at the start of this thread was "leading" as if I were insinuating something other than what I'm asking. Yet I can't make them anymore simple to understand.


A perfect example is my asking about whether or not Doc Shapiro thought some sort of Professional Status or Ranking System was where he thought that SASS was heading for in the future. Geese, it was a thread about how things have chaged and where they might be headed.


Yet right after I ask Doc that question, a bunch of guys jump on me as if I kicked the walker out from under their mothers! What the heck is that all about? It seems that you and a few others on here have a personal problem with me, yet you don't even know me other than on here with me trying to participate in the discussion.


I've tried talking to you with respect because you are considered one of the Top Shooters, a SASS Champion, but all I get from you in return is disrespect and you looking down your nose.


Well Pal, the last time I checked, you don't own this Wire. The last time I checked I didn't make my dues check out to you Phantom. And the last time I checked the Wire wasn't only for a select few like yourself who have nothing but sarcasim and wise remarks to make whenever someone asked something that doesn't pass your test.


You are supposedly one of the top Top Shooters in SASS. You're supposedly a Champion Shooter. Why don't you act like one and stop being so rude and hateful to other SASS members.


I am shocked that the SASS Moderators will tell other people to knock it off, yet let you be as obnoxious as you want.


If you don't like what I'm asking, leave it be and leave me alone! It's better than reading some nasty comment coming from your pi$$y attitude.


The nice thing that you might not have learned in your life is that people don't have to be friends wtih someone as hateful as you.





Hey Pot the Kettle called and said your BLACK too!



Read all 58 replies. Still no.


Don't go muddin' up the water with facts Fireball!


Put me down as a no......


No, but I have shot at targets that were so BIG and so close that I was embarassed that I MISSED!



A few years back there was a set up with one small target, one BIG, and one small. The shooter was to alternate 4 pistol shots on the small targets and nail the big target with his/her last shot. Guess which one many of us missed! :FlagAm:



Buena suerte,


It's just a perfect example of targets that were crazy close. I was using it as an example to see if there were others who have seen such a thing also.


I don't see 5 yards as too close. When the pistol target is 1 or 2 yards away, I have a little problem with that.


As for making friends on here, it seems that I have a few good friends. I'm still getting PMs and email from some of them, and most ask the same question:


What is Phantom's problem? What has Phantom got against you?


So why don't you answer that here instead of a PM, here's a question for you. Since you obviously have some sort of personal beef with me, and you don't like me or the questions I ask or the topics that interest me about SASS, why are you always opening up the threads that you can plainly see are started by me?


What is your problem with ME asking questions about all sorts of different aspects of SASS?


I was told that some folks find my topics interesting, and I was told today that the questions at the start of this thread was "leading" as if I were insinuating something other than what I'm asking. Yet I can't make them anymore simple to understand.


A perfect example is my asking about whether or not Doc Shapiro thought some sort of Professional Status or Ranking System was where he thought that SASS was heading for in the future. Geese, it was a thread about how things have chaged and where they might be headed.


Yet right after I ask Doc that question, a bunch of guys jump on me as if I kicked the walker out from under their mothers! What the heck is that all about? It seems that you and a few others on here have a personal problem with me, yet you don't even know me other than on here with me trying to participate in the discussion.


I've tried talking to you with respect because you are considered one of the Top Shooters, a SASS Champion, but all I get from you in return is disrespect and you looking down your nose.


Well Pal, the last time I checked, you don't own this Wire. The last time I checked I didn't make my dues check out to you Phantom. And the last time I checked the Wire wasn't only for a select few like yourself who have nothing but sarcasim and wise remarks to make whenever someone asked something that doesn't pass your test.


You are supposedly one of the top Top Shooters in SASS. You're supposedly a Champion Shooter. Why don't you act like one and stop being so rude and hateful to other SASS members.


I am shocked that the SASS Moderators will tell other people to knock it off, yet let you be as obnoxious as you want.


If you don't like what I'm asking, leave it be and leave me alone! It's better than reading some nasty comment coming from your pi$$y attitude.


The nice thing that you might not have learned in your life is that people don't have to be friends wtih someone as hateful as you.



Wow, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed!!

With the majority of folks on here saying that BIG CLOSE targets are the way to go.


Have any of you ever been to a match that had targets so BIG and CLOSE that you were almost ashamed to say you shot such easy targets?


I'm thinking about a match that I shot once that had very BIG targets only about 3 to 4 FEET from the end of my pistol.


I don't remember hearing anyone complain about them being so close until they had to take their turn checking guns at the Unloading Table because there was so much splatter coming from the targets.


But hey, the times were great! :FlagAm:



:FlagAm: No not really,but to explain to a outsider(spectator) it can be tough sometimes alot of folks dont understand the element of speed or even that time is involved,alot of folks ask "what TO is holding or doing ? "


3-4 feet ,thats a bit extreme,I personally like the 5-7 yds,I 've been to matches where they might have a paper or cardboard target at 3-4 feet to start stage & you might have to shoot one or say one 5 shot string.



Most folks dont complain about big & close,they do about splatter so they're you go. :FlagAm: Although some complain thinkin smaller & further might help thier game,which is usually in thier head.



Usually SASS recomended target size & distance anybody can hit,I could probaly teach a person who has never shot a gun before to hit the targets in 5 minutes,but when you throw element of speed or shootin being timed you've changed everything.





Regards AO

The only thing I can say is a bunch of targets at 12 feet is not Old West. :FlagAm:

Neither is shooting aluminum barrel/ titanium cylinder fast draw guns out of a metal/teflon lined speed rig with a straight up hammer.... just sayin'

The only thing I can say is a bunch of targets at 12 feet is not Old West. :FlagAm:



Neither is shooting aluminum barrel/ titanium cylinder fast draw guns out of a metal/teflon lined speed rig with a straight up hammer.... just sayin'



Now that's funny right there. :FlagAm:


Bet there was a LOT of gun fights in the old west at 12 feet or less. :FlagAm:

And there was some misses in the old west also. :FlagAm:


Bet there was a LOT of gun fights in the old west at 12 feet or less.

And there was some misses in the old west also.


So very true, but finish the story. Some or all of the participants were drunk. Those fights took place in a saloon and the place was filled with lamp smoke, cigar smoke and quickly filled with gunsmoke after the first couple of shots were fired. I don't think we should include all of this in our scenarios, do you?


So the BIG question (had to do that, BTW) is this: when or is there a point of diminishing returns on BIG and CLOSE?


Steeldust Dan


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